Sunday, March 21, 2010

Meet Fox's Health Care Expert


et said...

I was going to make some sort of flip comment until I read over at NH that they actually had him on-air to discuss health care reform. BOY, it must be tough to wade through the desperation in the corridors of Faux lately!

Anonymous said...

You couldn't make this up could you?

et said...

I usually like to think I can make up things even more audacious than Faux News can. This time, I think they outdid me.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be shitting me!

What happened?! Did KKKlownnity or the shit flinging Baboon Beck grabbed Ted Nugent first?


Anonymous said...

What is really funny is once again the hypocrisy of the right shines though. Who is always talking about those evil celebrities? OK I realize I am playing fast and Loose with the term celebrity here...but you get my point.

et said...

But, seriously? The thought of anybody from KISS being a validated Faux News spokesperson - you know, one of those lousy-commie-hippie-rock-n-roller types? - is inherently funny. You'd have thought they'd jump straight to Pat Boone or something, as World "Nut" Daily chose to do.

Seems more in keeping with their dwindling demographic.

Anonymous said...


Kiss was never, well almost never, well known for their musical abilities.

At their peak, KISS were either reviled for their spectacle or worshiped. As a successful entertainment business, they were pretty good.

During their decline, the band members split, they had to fight their own personal demons and then a new "KISS" emerged.

Out of those ashes, Gene Simmons came out as one of the most "balanced" in regards to "measurements" for success. Meaning, he knew he had beaten others that laid on the road and he'd better use his tongue for more profitable endeavors.

KISS was never into the mid-late 60's hippie thing. They were more into the mid 70's theme of "I got mine - FUCK YOU VERY MUCH" approach.

Much more can said about them, but oh well. Tomorrow we won't hear about Gene Simmons selling you "asset protection"

Next, he'll probably be selling denture paste.

Anonymous said...


Forgot to sign again.


The Dreader Patrick said...

Who is Fox going to bring out next Pee Wee Herman and George Michael when they start talking about Larry Craig and his bathroom antics.

Mr. Brown said...

Gene Simmons of Kiss? That's the best Fox could come up with in framing the argument to kill the health care bill?

et said...

Anon, I know about KISS and their place in the canon, so to speak. My "hippie" reference was an attempt to mimic what the typical Fox News viewer would probably say about them...kind of like my late uncle, who would start spouting about "long-hairs" any time he saw Alan Alda on M*A*S*H...

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