Question: what do you call a film about a illiterate teen from Mumbai going on India's version of
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? and coming close to winning 20 million rupees and possibly his death?
Answer: the best movie of 2008.
Slumdog Millionaire is a blistering coming of age story about life in the slums of India where survival is the name of the game; a wrong path taken equals almost certain death or worse. Jamal (Dev Patel), his older brother Salim (Madhur Mittal), and their friend Latika (Freida Pinto) are fine with playing the odds: they've been doing it since childhood. All three lives take different turns: Jamal works from job to job while trying to find his brother and his lost love; Salim becomes a thief and a killer for a mob boss, and Latika's the mob bosses plaything. Sounds cliched and depressing? The end result is a movie busting with life and energy in the face of overwhelming destitution and despair. Director Danny Boyle (
28 Days Later, and
Sunshine), cinematographer Anthony Dod, editor Chris Dickens, and screenwriter Simon Beaufoy never sugarcoat the third-world living conditions in Mumbai or the characters' moral dilemmas; they let redemption, love and faith be their guides out of hell-on-earth living. You want to see a movie where hope, love and brutality meet and cross paths ever so seamlessly? It's all right here in the wildly gorgeous and heartbreaking
Slumdog Millionaire, a sure darkhorse contender come Oscar time.
**** stars out of ****
And I know much about the oil industry. Like I said, there were popular videos about it on YouTube.
Posted by: Marcus on Sun 12.21 9:48pm
Yeah he's an ages old troll. :) with a new shtick. The movie sounds good Jonathan.
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