Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tell Mark to shove it!

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians - they are so unlike your Christ."

Sums up how I pretty much feel about the radical Christian right, as diplayed on Blogs For

Look, leftists, this is our civilization - you’re welcome to live in it, but it has some ground rules.

Exactly who died and made you king of the Earth? And the last time I checeked, we live in a nation where you are allowed to practice whatever religion you chose, or to not practice any religion at all. want to preserve your ability to have gay pride parades, you’d better ensure that your civilization remains Christian because its only us Christians who are easy going enough to allow such nonsense to carry on in public.

In the words of former VP Dick Cheney: "Go fuck yourself!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is such of a fucking tool. I mean really he pathetic.

"Look, leftists, this is our civilization - you’re welcome to live in it, but it has some ground rules."

Like he's the "decider" all of the sudden. He had better back down he's starting to crowd in on his Lord and Master George W. Bush's territory.

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