Friday, March 27, 2009

UPS Pulls It's Advertising For "The Factor"

Think Progress' Stop Supporting The O'Reilly Harassment Machine is apparently getting the job accomplished.

In response to our Stop Supporting The O’Reilly Harassment Machine campaign, UPS told us yesterday that it was investigating whether to continue supporting O’Reilly’s show. “We are sensitive to the type of television programming where our messages and presence are associated and continually review choices to affect future decisions,” spokeswoman Susan Rosenberg told us.

Today UPS announced it will stop advertising on O’Reilly’s show. Here is the statement UPS emailed out just moments ago:

Thank you for sending an e-mail expressing concern about UPS advertising during the Bill O’Reilly show on FOX News. We do consider such comments as we review ad placement decisions which involve a variety of news, entertainment and sports programming. At this time, we have no plans to continue advertising during this show.

I have signed the email and sent it. I encourage others to do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for them! I hope they're the first of many.

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