Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is this really the road the GOP wants to down on?

Are the Republicans completely fine with the unholy union of religious fundamentalism and unregulatred corporate greed that's taken over the party? Do they not have a problem with a base of narrow-minded, ignorant sheep who cling to old prejudices the same way a teenage girls holds on to her first boyfriend at the junior prom? Is this how the Republicans want to been as: the party completely detached from the changing times, and reality itself? Becasue that is exactly where they - and their supporters - are heading.


Anonymous said...

This is the party that makes a show of putting out a budget...with out numbers in it. So who the fuck knows what they are thinking at this point.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Count - be fair. I'm sure it had page numbers in it.

It's all so much kabuki theatre at this point. That's all they've got.

Anonymous said...

since kabuki theatre is all men that might sugest some sort of closet gay presense in the GOP

Anonymous said...

Ya think, roachman? We better ask Mark Foley and Ted Haggard and David "Diapers" Vitter, just to be sure...

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