Thursday, August 28, 2008

A.P. Must Stand for Absolutely Pathetic Now.


Analysis: Obama spares details, keeps up attacks

DENVER (AP) -- Barack Obama, whose campaign theme is "change we can believe in," promised Thursday to "spell out exactly what that change would mean."

But instead of dwelling on specifics, he laced the crowning speech of his long campaign with the type of rhetorical flourishes that Republicans mock and the attacks on John McCain that Democrats cheer. The country saw a candidate confident in his existing campaign formula: tie McCain tightly to President Bush, and remind voters why they are unhappy with the incumbent.

Of course, no candidate can outline every initiative in a 44-minute speech - especially one that also must inspire voters, acknowledge key friends, and toss in some autobiography for the newly-interested. And Obama did touch on nitty-gritty subjects, such as the capital gains tax and biofuel investments.

Blah blah blah. By the way babbling fuck edited that part about how long the speech was...or somebody did for him.

Here is How it was originally worded. Link from Fox News "natch"

Of course, no candidate can outline every initiative in a 35-minute speech _ especially one that also must inspire voters, acknowledge key friends, and toss in some autobiography for the newly-interested. And Obama did touch on nitty-gritty subjects, such as the capital gains tax and biofuel investments.

I guess Keith Olbermann tore this clown a new one.

This is what Barack Obama faces to become president pf the United States.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read on "Editor & Publisher" that a number of newspapers are giving AP their required 2-years' notice (2 years? WTF??) that they are discontinuing the service. They're the travel agents of the Internet age - unchanging and therefore obsoleting themselves.

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