Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Scum Of The Earth

I killed myself because I hate liberals and I had furthered their faggy cause by acting in Brokeback Mountain.
Oh big deal. Whine, whine, whine.

Gibson fucking rules.

You lib's are drunk on your own ego-high's.
I was the last one but then I killed myself because of you liberals.
It is ashame when a person of 28 years dies and it is a trajedy on all proportions. Mr. Ledger had a growing and vibrant career with limitless possibilities.

But one has to ask the question about this death: Why did it happen? Why would God take such a young life?

I'm sure his role in Brokeback Mountain pushing a homosexual agenda will be brought up by certain people in the coming weeks.
The Westboro Baptist Church is planning on picketing the funeral of Mr. Ledger. 0,2...,324966,00.html
The Westboro Baptist Church said:

“Heath Ledger is now in Hell, and has begun serving his eternal sentence there,”

I can't wait to see Shirley back on H&C. It's been a while.
This is what Westboro Church said. And I can't wait until Shirley talks w/ Alan again. She really hates him. She's insane! lol
It has to be asked about Ledger's death concerning his role as a gay man in Brokeback Mountain.

Did playing a homosexual cause depression and substance aduse with Mr. Ledger?

This subject should be investigated and we will watch it play out on the news in the coming weeks.

claudo, i can almost guarantee you that this angle will be brought up in the coming weeks... didn't Gibson already tough it?

Dan Abrams has a segment on the 'homosexual' aspect of Ledger's death concerning Brokeback on MSNBC.

bob, Bill Sammon just said on H&C that Rudy is considered the hero of 9/11 and saved NYC.
Too many promising young performers died way too soon - Janis, Jimi, Jim, and too many others.

They were all scum of the earth junkies who did the world a favor. It appears your boy Ledger was a heroin addict as well. What is it you people have against free speech anyway? Just because you don't find a joke funny is no reason to try and get someone canned. You are all acting like "nappy headed hos."
As someone who CHOSE not to take drugs, I have every right to judge those who do. No one puts a gun to junkie’s heads the numerous times they have to take drugs to become addicted and makes them do it. It is a choice – they are not victims of anything other than their own stupidity. The nappy reference was to another performer that you anti-free speachers tried to ruin, not my opinion.
I have not patience with alcoholics either. As to Rush, etc. you are correct and I do not think they are any better than any other substance abusing piece of crap.
Claudo – you always dredge up a heart wrenching anecdote for every thread. You must have had a very varied and unusual life assuming these tales are true. Suicide is (on one level) a bad choice because of its finality. However, who is to say how much unhappiness it too much to bear? Suicide is a complex issue (hence the volumes on the topic from some of the great philosophers of the West including Camus who of course believed it to be the only true philosophical question) and I don’t really think judgment enters into the equation for non-religious people such as me.

As you stated that this incident was not drug related, it hardly seems to be a relevant response to my comments (although it may bear relevance to the to the death of the actor.)
only one exposure to the drug

How about you give me one citation from a peer reviewed journal that postulates that anyone has ever become addicted to any substance after one exposure?
I choose not to hate. Do I have every right to judge you for doing so?

Of course you do. Judge away, you cause me no harm and you are entitled to your opinion. As a people that have been bamboozled by years of multiculturalism we have forgotten how important the faculty of judgement is (i.e. it has survival advantages in many ways.)

I nver said he died of a drug overdose, I merely pointed out that he was a heroin addict. I am not a coroner nor do I have a crystal ball so I have no way of knowing how he died. If I had to bet on it though I would probably go with accidental overdose of medication (it seems that he may have been fighting Pneumonia.) I think the fact his body was naked (assuming that was true) may also back that up.

Afraid not. I have been an atheist my entire adult life. I also rarely watch FOX or any TV (except premier league soccer from the UK.) I am old fashioned, I still like to read newspapers.

Of course not but multiculturalism the philosophy (as opposed to the childish instantiations of it one finds in news stories and RW talk shows) does not, paradoxically given it's name - really have much to do with minorities. It is more an accademic strategy used to achieve goals much like a lot of post-modern adn critical theory.

Can one be led to a choice? Poses some serious questions for the issue of free will.
It doesn't matter. These people who do drugs failed the D.A.R.E. program in school. Let them do the drugs they enjoy, but accept the consequences.

Just like fat people who are gluttons, they have to accept responsibility for eating fudge and candy all day long. You die early of heart disease and diabetes.

These fat people put a huge strain on the medical system in America. When ever I see a fat person it angers me, b/c I know my taxes paying for their health problems because they are gluttons.
no, john, i exersise everyday. today i ran 2.5 miles, hit the bench, did some deltoid work, some lats, biceps.

These gluttons that keep feeding themselves w/out exersising are just stupid. The human body is a machine and needs to be taken care of. They deserve what illnesses they get for their actions.
thanks for the bedtime story...i'm sure everyone likes a lecture on econ from a socialist like yourself...zzzz....zzzzz....zzzzz
When I see a 250 lbs woman 'woddiling' down the street, I compare her to an engine that has been running the same oil for 25,000 miles.

Soon it is going to start breaking and the repairs are going to be very expensive.

I think Dr. Savage said it best on his radio show last night. "Another dead junkie, who cares?"

Thanks for the TP link - hillarious. The “Well, he found out how to quit you" line is classic. I will never understand why progressives have no sense of humor.

On a side note, I hope you all would join me in boycotting the following companies that Mr. O'Reilly reported tonight do business with terror countries:

coca cola, GE, pepsico, ford, polaroid,

I will never give any of these co.s one red cent for the rest of my life.

so what, i'm glad a Saudi Prince owns it than a Iranian or N. Korean.

Why would a young, rich, ladies man, with a daughter to boot, take his own life ? These Hollywood Leftists are a sick bunch.

Homosexuality is repulsive to all normal human beings.

Heath's first character on screen was gay too by the way.

He didn't have to. It's natural law. Hear about the Staph infections spreadin g through San Fran's gay community ? That's mother nature giving us her opinion of faggots.

Kim, I'm not sure if you were trying to make a funny there. Love story? LOL. How about 2 closet gays destroying 2 families to satisfy their homosexual lust.

If Kim was being serious, this just shows how in the gutter our society has become since WWII.

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