Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Fued.

I was asked by a Regular Why Nipigon and I are feuding and I would like to post my answer.

No problem:

I am also going to post my answer on my blog if you don't mind.

Nipigon used to post on the mains until he changed his name to Stcroix because he got into feuds with 3 regulars. John T., Paige and myself. I always thought he was strange and a bit of a trouble maker but I never thought he was a troll. Well "stcroix" was posting one night and Marie Therese posted this;

st croix = Uber-Troll out of the Reston-Herndon area of Virginia, near CIA HQ. He was pretending to be liberal again - it's his new ruse so he can stay on longer before I zap him.

Barbie66 is in the environs of Atlanta, GA so he/she/it may very well be 2008.
Marie Therese | 12.13.07 - 3:40 am | #

Well he denied this and sent me a PM saying he was also Nipigon 1 and he changed his name because he was getting in fights with regulars.

I didn't believe him but gave him the benefit of the doubt. Well after about month of him on the mains starting off as a liberal then fighting with regulars. I came to the conclusion. That Nipigion was in fact Uber-troll and even if he wasn't he was a troll.

He would try really hard not to but the mask would always slip and he would always start fighting with regulars. Now it's one thing to fight with John T and Myself, and I say this as a friend of John T, but we are both pretty opinionated and fiery, but fighting with Paige is a telltale sign of a troll. She is a rock on the main Page and one of if not THE best contributer.

So basically that's how this started. I have a low tolerance for BS and I feel like Nipigion, through his various sock puppets has been BSing me and the good people of this blog.


Count Istvan.

Late Edit. Another reason why I am tired of this clown. He starts a thread late one night wondering if he could sue me because I posted a PM. ( not an email as he claims) because I thought people should know who they are dealing with.

Assuming no laws are broken, is it okay to post private emails on personal blogs?

Posted by: nipigon1 on Sat 1.19 5:12am

He asked that the thread be erased (which it was the next day) which it was. even tonight he denies he did so...

Oh My God!

He wants to sue me!

Posted by: nipigon1 on Wed 1.30 11:31pm

Now he is telling me what I can and can't post
This was another thing I found on "another site"

If you don't like people seeing it, don't post it.
Posted by: nipigon1 on Wed 1.30 11:38pm

This is a pattern with him ask Paige and John T.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously,arguing with Paige is very,very dumb. She's sharp as a tack. I've seen her make mistakes but those are few and very far between.

Me? Arguing with me is easy. I just tell people to fuck themselves lol.

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