Wednesday, January 16, 2008

From The Archives

I found This On My Live Journal It's long but worth it.

But in all honesty, if democrats are serious about winning in 2006 - they must learn how to oppose George Bush's policies without appearing anti-American.

Democrats can keep deceiving themselves on what constitutes a "treasonous" behaviour or the definition of "patriotism." Democrats can either take their lessons from the elitist media, or do some research on how middle America sees them.

The democratic wall of silence in not condemning the Nytimes conveyed a message to me - That the democrats were insincere in their Valerie Plame bruhaha. It also infered that democrats don't care much about our national security.

I am American! Democrats are supposed to be Americans too. So why don't I read or hear democrats condeming the Washington Post for exposing allies who corporate with our CIA, or The Nytimes' unwarranted espose of this SWIFt program? I am forced to ask democrats where their loyalties lie.

The few democrats that manage to find a respectable balance between criticizing Bush's policies and expressing their commitment to national security are hounded down like rats, quashed and silenced!

Look whats happening to America-first JFK democrats like Joe Lieberman and Jane Harman. Jane Harman is one of the smartest members of congress who not only reads details of every single bill she votes for, she knows her job description! Watch this lady on C-span and you learn something. She teaches the public. You can see her obsession with protecting this country, even if she has to pay the costly price of appearing too close to the president. She is an American first, a democrat second.

But her crime has been that she's too pro-American ( and thus too Bush-esque)and doesn't blame Bush for every thing gone wrong in her life.

Some of these America-first democrats oppose some Bush policies in principle, but cringe in despair, shrink in horror when they start reading too much details of these programs in the Nytimes because they know Americans are not the only ones reading these papers - so are the terrorists.

It cannot be denied that some of the language that grace many of the anti-American world media were extraced from speeches by democrats. In describing Gitmo, the arab media calls it "AMerica's Gulag", an extraction from the anti-American speech by Illinois' shame - Dick Durbin.

Also look at the immigration debate. Are democrats honestly looking out for America's interests? or Mexico's interest? Almost all democrats except two facing re-election voted for the overtly anti-American senate bill.

How can a democrats who calls himself an American, and lives in Detroit (Carl Levin)- land of massive unemployment, vote for Bush's guest worker program? Vote to ask for permission slip from Mexico before building a wall? Vote to extend social security benefits to illegal immigrants when a sizable chunk of his constituents in Detriot are impoverished?

How can Obama- the only black senator from a state with high unemployment among African Americans support such a bill? Even as key economists predict disaster for working class Americans?

Is it anti-Americanism? or just anti-black?

It is one thing for democrats to support amnesty for the illegals currently present, its quite another to support a massive influx of cheap uneducated workers to compete with low skilled Americans and further drive down wages. How is that not anti-American?

This is why democrats will lose in november. They appear unpatriotic, treasonous, and anti-American. Thats just a fact.

Jelly | 07.10.06 - 1:45 am | #

Hmmm I haven't heard from Jelly since the election.


Anonymous said...

Oh, those scary "allies who corporate [sic.] with our CIA."

And the reference to Lieberman as a "JFK Democrat"??

I suppose it's because we're all looking out for Mexico.

A nice blast-from-the-past, Count, and instructive as to the mindset we still face in this splintered election year.

The ones worried about exposing allies who "corporate" will go Giuliani...and fail.

The ones lauding Lieberman will go McCain...and fail.

The viva-la-Mexico crowd will go Romney...and fail.

And what's left will be the "align the Constitution with the God Standard" Huckabee faithful, which won't play with either the GOP establishment, or anyone at all outside the fundie fold.

Game, set and match, methinks.

Anonymous said...

If only that segment of American had paid attention in school,instead of beating off in the back of the classroom.

What dumbass sacks of shit.

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