Thursday, January 24, 2008

Questions Questions

Since Uber-Nippy is so good at asking questions let me ask you a few. These are rhetorical by the way.

What Regular had to change his name to keep from getting his ass kicked by regulars?

What Regular has constantly tried to dominate the dialog on the mains by deciding themselves what was off topic and what was not?

What Regular tried to get at least three other regulars including Paige ( a regular almost universally loved) banned?

What Regular has been outed as having the same internet service provider number as Uber-Troll?

Late edit. Nipigion 1 left a comment as "john" yet signed his PM as "Bill" next we'll find out he goes by Mitt but his real name is Willard...and he hunts.

I am no longer taking comment on this thread.


Anonymous said...

Some of this happened while I was gone,didn't it?

Damn I missed a lot of shit.

Bill Morash. said...

Do you like honesty?

How about this?

ET brought up a good point.
We shouldn't be fighting about this pointless stuff.

So what do you think?
Can we put all this shit behind us and agree to be civil with each other?
Can we at least pretend none of this ever happened and not attack each other?
Can we shake hands and be friends?
I would like that.
We are both on the same side.

Posted by: nipigon1 on Fri 1.25 3:54am

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Honesty. Why was your PM to me signed Bill and Now all of the sudden you are John?

Bill Morash. said...

My name is John William.
If you have a problem with my name, PLEASE take it up with my parents. They were the ones who decided to call me by my middle name. I have never forgiven them. I love when ever some one gives them grief.
You want their phone number?

Anonymous said...

Please don't bring me into this. I take this reference to my comments much amiss. I have no horse in this race. Count me out, please. (I thought you'd agreed to same, nip?)

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