Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dog Fucker Has A Sense Of Humor

McCain can unite the country, especially if he goes with a Leiberman --- Rice --- or Powell vp.
supporting bush (a fellow republican) in 2000 is not the same as supporting him in 2007/08. he saw the big picture. and now he's the front runner for 08.
gain...big picture.

and McCain has a better shot in the general than rudy or any other republican.

if the democrats nominate clinton, the republican will win. if they nominate obama, McCain is the only one that beat him. imho.
ok. we'll see. clinton is too polarizing. the "see me cry" routine only works once and she played that rump card. and bill is not helping.

obama can get indy and even some rep votes. maybe even mine. if he isn't running against mccain.

that was a fine speech by mccain.

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