Wednesday, June 9, 2010

This Couldn't Be Our Jeremiah Could It?

Credit CSTDT

"I have a college degree in Psychology. I have read countless studies on this issue and have done research on it. And I am sorry, but I need a little more evidence than simply what is said in Leviticus to determine whether or not homosexuality is a mental disorder. At this point, taking in all the evidence and studies I’ve analyzed, I cannot say that it is a mental disorder. I also can’t say for sure that it isn’t."

I never referred to Leviticus. I used to run the Homosexual Agenda ping list and did tons of research and linked to articles and tried my best to educate anyone interested. I’m done with that now as anyone who still thinks homosexuals are born that way is either not educable or is part of the problem.

1. There are uncountable numbers of former homoseuxals.

2. The vast majority of homosexuals were molested/seduced as children or adolosecents by older homosexuals. IOW, recruited - made homosexual.

3. Most homosexuals had very poor or non-existant relationships with their fathers and often poor relationships with their mothers.

So what if it’s always been in human society? So has murder, kidnappying, lying, theft and rape. Your point?

They will never go away? They aren’t civil. The homosexual agenda is a tyrannical Nazi-like effort to destroy freedom of speech, religion and association. It will only be civil when they shut up about their sexual perversion and leave everyone else alone.

You want me to be civil? I’ll be civil when they stop pushing their hateful and destructive agenda in the
schools, on the Boy Scouts, in the military, in colleges, workplaces, pushing same sex marriage on states, and more.

You make me disgusted with your not so veiled insults - as though people who are disgusted with sexual perversion being forced on everyone as normal and natural being the ones who are not civil.

It’s the other way around, buddy!

And a degree in psychology is a Big Black mark, not something to be proud of. It means you’ve gotten years of indoctrination in leftist garbage, so you won’t impress very many people on FR with that.

little jeremiah , Free Republic 14 Comments [6/9/2010 12:07:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain


Mr. Brown said...

The homosexual agenda is a tyrannical Nazi-like effort to destroy freedom of speech, religion and association.

Funny, because the last time i've checked, I haven't seen Neal Patrick Harris, Jodie Foster or Ellen rally the gays and lesbian community, have them march down San Fransisco, wearing matching brown-shirts, with a swastika armband, chanting 'Seig Heil!' to the crowd, in an attempt to vanquish freedom of speech.

Also, you near-sighted, Jesus-freak dipshit: if you knew your world history (let alone passed the damn course in high school), you would know that homosexuals were also on der fuhrer's hit list of groups that needed to be eliminated, so comparing the 'homosexual agenda' to the tactics of the Third-freaking-Reich is both wildly absurd and downright insulting.

You want me to be civil? I’ll be civil when they stop pushing their hateful and destructive agenda in the schools, on the Boy Scouts, in the military, in colleges, workplaces, pushing same sex marriage on states, and more.

Translation: I'll quit hollerin' about them queers when they all disappear back into the closet where they came from.

And a degree in psychology is a Big Black mark, not something to be proud of. It means you’ve gotten years of indoctrination in leftist garbage, so you won’t impress very many people on FR with that.

Translation: Don't be bringin' none of yer book learnin' talk round these here parts, boy. This here's a place for ig-rent, mouth-breadin', shit-kickin', fag-bashin' patriotic Ameri-cans here! We don't take to kindly to your type here.

Ignorant, white trash, homophobic, dipshit christian conservatives really piss me off!

et said...

Our Jer likes to sound more hifalutin' than this poster. And, Jer has him some ego. I can't imagine he would settle for just commenting on FR when he can post his stuff directly on his own poorly-traveled blog.

That said, Jonathan's assessment is spot on.

Anonymous said...

You have to admit that Little Jer is spot on when he says that having a degree makes one an outcast on F.R.

theroachman said...

The funniest part of that is the reverse stereotyping of gays having bad relationships with their moms. I always thought the stereotype was the opposite. Gays loved their mothers a little too much?

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