Friday, November 21, 2008

Is Sarah Palin really this stupid???

In my hometown of San Diego, there is a morning radio show called the DSC Show (Dave, Shelley, and Chainsaw). On the show, there is a crew member named Dave Abromowitz (Bromo for short) who's stupidity is so outstanding and cartoonish, that you really really think, 'is he really like that?' Here's a sample of Bromo asking out a girl.

Where am I going with all of this, and what's this have to do with the Governor of Alaska and former Vice-Presidential Nominee for the GOP?

Let's just say it involves her giving an interview and a turkey farm, and i'll leave it at that. Here's the video that i'll guarantee you, after watching it, you'll wonder if she really is this stupid.


Anonymous said...

There is a reason the Ralph wing of the Republican party has made her their Queen.

Anonymous said...

Yes, she really is that fucking stupid. Geeze...

Anonymous said...

It's so far beyond the "compelling train wreck" stage already, there are literally no words to describe the vapid depths of her idiocy.

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