Which in my book is about the same is 70. So How can somebody where a hoodie on 70 degree night?
Edit : Hey Aunty. Hope things are going well. Miss newshounds, good to hear from you.
Edit, Jonathan: Finally, 'D' comes to play tonight!
Let's see if Ted Cotrell and Rivers can close.
Go Chargers!!!
Kick Bill Belicheat's ass!
It's frickin chilly out there, man!
Now Norv has his jacket on. Congrats. Both are teams are going to win today. Even if my team played like shit.
That was a very douche thing to do by New England.
It's cold here too.
Sergei said...
It's cold here too.
The current weather in SF...
Feels Like
Rolls eyes. :)
This reminds me of when I listen to Ray Talifero SP? on KGO and the lady says super cold...47 degrees. What's sad is we have weather people on TV who say it's cold when it's 85 so nothing surprises me anymore. Don't tell me Global warming isn't real.
Meteorologically (and perhaps in several other respects), San Francisco exists in its own little parallel universe. It's currently seven degrees colder here than it is in SF. Also, bear in mind that warmness/coldness is relative. During that European heatwave a few years ago, none of the temperatures got higher than they do here in the summer, but people still died.
The current weather in Omaha...
Feels like
Rolls eyes. :)
It's a warm day. never denied it. It's about 15 degrees warmer than normal.
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