Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pot Meet Kettle


Credit the good folks at Truth Progress...

On his show last night, Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly claimed that MoveOn was “smearing Fox News.” “The latest smear from Moveon is telling their Koolaid drinking, zombie followers that FOX News is smearing Barack Obama and is a racist concern,” declared O’Reilly.

Yes and of course O'really's followers are not.

He then declared that “It is not a stretch to say Moveon is the new Klan”:

O’REILLY: Obama must condemn organizations like Moveon and DailyKos if he truly wants to run without a race component.

These are the people that are dividing Americans along racial lines. It is not a stretch to say Moveon is the new Klan.

Do they wear sheets and shit as well?

On a completely unrelated note thank you to ET for sending me the link to the daily times that has The James Bond Time line. I would have loved to seen that exhibit. Thank you ET. You're the bestest.


Anonymous said...

Obama must condemn organizations like Moveon and DailyKos

Fortunately, I doubt Obama has any intention of turning to Bill-O for advice.

You're very welcome for the Bond link, Count. It looked like there was a lot of nifty content to be found there on one of your favorite topics.

I don't know, but the museum may have an online store where you can purchase a catalogue from the exhibition. Or maybe Ori can pick one up for you when she's in London next month? Let me know if you'd like me to ask her.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, but the museum may have an online store where you can purchase a catalogue from the exhibition. Or maybe Ori can pick one up for you when she's in London next month? Let me know if you'd like me to ask her.

It's a traveling exhibition. There was a book that was a companion to the exhibit and I got it. It's a really good book too.

Anonymous said...

Glad you've got it, Count!

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