Sunday, July 6, 2008

If Mouse Limburgh Were President

The fat ass self named 'El Rush-Bo" is the cover boy of this weeks New York Times Magazine. Again why does Rush keep doing business with these people if they are so evil? Is The New York Times giving this shit stain free pub to prove they really aren't so "Liberal"? Anyway on page 37 of New York Times Magazine El Rush-Bo states what he would do if he were President.

1. Open a continental shelf to drilling. Ditto the Artic National Wildlife Refuge.
2. Establish a 17% percent flat tax
3. Privatize Social Security
4. Give parents school vouchers to break the monopoly of public education
5. Revoke Jimmy Carter's passport while he is out of the country
6. Abandon all government policies based on the hoax of man made global warming.
*7. use my office to continue to go to the Dominican Republic to pick up under-aged male prostitutes under the guise of buying Dominican Cigars which you can get at any tobacco shop in America.

*I added that one myself but you get the point.

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