Monday, February 25, 2008

Oh good God!

This is disturbing.
Dinosaur Adventure Land is a theme park and science museum that gives God the glory for His creation. It has rides and fun-filled events and activities, each involving a physical challenge, a science lesson, and a biblical truth.

Learn about dinosaurs, principles of science, and even how to make a paper airplane that can fly over 300 feet! Handle our real, live creatures and take the Leap of Faith swing. Enjoyable and educational for all ages, it is specifically targeted for kids under a million years of age!

Be prepared to be challenged to think and to follow the Lord in the way God the Creator has planned for you. If you do not know your Creator, we will be overjoyed to introduce you to Him.

Our funny and experienced guides will lead your family or group on the tour, declaring the works of the Lord and the words of the Lord.

DAL is not an amusement park, for “amuse” means “to not think,” and we want people to think. Rather, it is an amazement park. Come and stand amazed at the truths of the Creator and Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

So, explain to me again: What's the difference between Christian and Islamic fundamentalists?


Anonymous said...


They are fucking insane.

If they weren't so damn dangerous and radical,this would be something to snicker over for days.

Anonymous said...

The difference between Islamic and christian fundamentalists....

How much time do I have here?


Oh, you would have to hit me with this question first thing in the morning!!

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