Monday, February 18, 2008

I Respond To Jeremiah

But sir, if you have never been to our blog before how do you know the language that we use? Could it be that you commit the blasphemy of reading our blog against Gods wishes? This is like claiming to have never read "Out" magazine and yet knowing the exact contents of the last issue. I am sure this is something you know nothing about.

As for the language on our blog I shall ask for the others to not use such language in your holy presence. As for your fear of upsetting God I asked God if it was OK for you to join us in fellowship and she assures me it would be most

He has blocked Jonathan and now has his comments on approval. Please Jeremiah join us in fellowship.

Late edit:

Count Istvan,

All it takes is for me to read one blog post to know whether I want to comment there or not.


Mr. Brown said...

Jeremiah blocked me?
Wow, so much for dissenting opinions on his blog.
I guess only one form of thought is allowed: agree with my whacked-out, homophobic, batshit nutty rhetoric or don't say anything at all.
Which is fine by me.
He can continue believing that we're all going to hell if we don't believe in the literal scriptures of the Bible and that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and I can continue to believe that it's intolerant, Bible-thumping rednecks like him that have hijacked Christianity and that he's totally fucked in the head.

Anonymous said...

Well he erased your comments and turned moderation on.

Mr. Brown said...

Here's my response to Jeremiah, that won't be put up on his blog:

I warned you about using my material. So don't ask to comment here again.

Well, it's not my fault that I find your dog-and-pony show to be great material and that your rants illustrate the problem with Christianity, which is that fundamentalists like you have hijacked the religion and made it into a vehicle of fanaticism and intolerance.

Anonymous said...

I am done with him but this was my last post to him...

Count Istvan said...

Jeremiah blessed spirit I have one last question. Why do you have a counter counting down the number of Abortions performed since the start of the Iraq war?

Since one thing has nothing to do with the other what is the purpose? A counter counting down the number of hot dogs you have eaten since the start of the Iraq war would make just as much sense.

Mr. Brown said...

Here's his response:

Count Istvan,

People need to see the shame that Liberalism has caused America.

Their innocent blood has painted a gruesome picture, stamped Nazi all over again.


February 18, 2008 2:57 AM

Anonymous said...

I saw it and about spit out my drink.

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