Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jesus F***ing Christ

I know I should be ignoring the Christian nutcase known as Jeremiah, but crap like this really, really gets under my skin.
The Florida State Board of Education is getting ready, and is scheduled to vote on Florida's new education policy later today. In the new policy, will include 18 new ideas, but among the 18 new ideas, one of them is going to have perhaps the greatest; or maybe I should say, the most 'negative' impact on Education, if it passes. Evolutionists are demanding that evolution be taught as "fact," as the "fundamental concept underlying all of biology." In the process, blinding the children to the truth of their origination and true hope. (emphasis mine)

Oh, for God's sake, Jeremiah, is it this fucking hard for you to grasp the simple concept that not everyone believes what you believe, and that you and your ilk should not force your beliefs onto anyone else?
News Flash, Jeremiah: not everyone believes in the literal scriptures of the Bible like you do; shit, not everyone believes that Jesus is the Son of God and that he is our Lord and Savior, and get this: it's all well and good. We have the freedom to choose which religion to practice, or to not practice any religion at all. All I'm asking is that you quit trying to shove your brand of Christ worship onto the Public Education System and onto other America citizens.


Anonymous said...

I've listened to both sides Jeremiah, and gosh I have to say you make alot of sense in your information you're posting. At least you're not defaming or criticizing those of the opposite side and why they show so much hatred is of course what you must expect. Stand for the truth no matter what. Jesus said "The world hated me, they shall also hate you". Keep up the good work Jeremiah. The TRUTH SHALL WIN.

Anonymous said...

Jeremiah: Evolution is a fact,whether you like it or not.

I have my own beliefs in a creator,but I'm not blind to what's really there.

We did not ride dinosaurs my friend.

Anonymous said...

Um Anon This is not Jeremiah's site. He was issued and invitation to post here and the invitation still stands but it seems he isn't quite the man of his convictions that he seems. unless of course he is so spineless he is posting anonymously and agreeing with himself.

As for...

riticizing those of the opposite side and why they show so much hatred is of course what you must expect.

Might I suggest you read the things Conservatives have said here and see who is full of hate.

Stand for the truth no matter what. Jesus said "The world hated me, they shall also hate you". Keep up the good work Jeremiah. The TRUTH SHALL WIN.

Jeremiah is not Jesus. not even close.

Anonymous said...

Soemthing is wrong with Jeremiah. He is going out of his way to be confrontational with me,also he is not allowing relevent,on topic and perfectly legitimate comments of mine to be posted.

I made one such re: the ACLU on the first topic of his site atm,and he has yet to allow the comment,though he has allowed others that came after.

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