Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Can Tell He's Walking On Egg Shells


Quote# 72732

We on the right must walk on egg shells avoiding even the slightest hint of racial unniceness while the Negro-in-Chief and his fellow DemonicRATs are 24/7, unashamed racists. Hey, Oblackguy ...KISS MY ASS! You racist pricks are toast come November!

Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

And another from FSTDT

Quote# 72804

In response to:
I don't get it. Why do many many on this board diss Earth Day? I helped volunteers plant nearly six thousand oak trees last Saturday at the Forest Preserve by my house.

But does planting trees help bring people to Christ? It's like going to third-world countries to feed the hungry. It doesn't do a starving man any good to keep him alive for another day if he's doomed to hell anyway. It doesn't do anyone any good to plant trees for people if they haven't heard about Jesus. The future of this earth is destruction....You don't "Bring people to Christ" with inanimate objects. He is knowable, but unless that tree becomes paper, and eventually a Bible, it will have no value in expressing how to know The Creator who made the tree.

The Penquin/OnceWasLost, [5/8/2010 5:01:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 136

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