Saturday, August 1, 2009

Question For Those Who Are Not Going To Be Raptured

I didn't bother to actually read what he wrote I just saw his headline about "PIAPS" and the picture of MJ's Doctor. Why is Ralph defending MJ's Doctor? Why does Ralph care? Why Does Ralph exist? WHY? WHY? Why? Why?Why?


et said...

RALPH is here for our entertainment. We look on in awe at the depths of ham-handed cashing-in on borrowed interest which he achieves; we gasp, astonished, at his ribbon-like endless CAPS LOCK run-on rants; and we wince in embarrassment for him when he attempts to write porn.

He's like am empty beehive that some of us (mea culpa) can't resist poking with a stick just to see if anything, or anyONE, is in residence. But we're always disappointed...

et said...

That should have been "an" empty beehive, of course. Shame on me, ET. Proofread twice, post once...

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