Saturday, June 21, 2008

Is Obama's new seal against the law? Or: How despeate the right is to smear Obama

By now, you've heard of Barack Obama's new seal he's toting. Also by now, you've heard of the conservatives doing their dammed hardest to make political straw into 18 karat gold. The ultra-right-wing site, has even gone as far as called for the arrest of Obama because of it!

Why the right-wingers would choose to attack Obama over a fucking political slogan is obvious: use this non-issue - like the Reverend Wright flap and the 'bitter' comments - to rally the masses of ignorant, loyal, cock-sucking foot-soldiers of the GOP. That's and play the politics of fear-mongering, with the hope that Americans are naive enough to ignore the faltering economy, the ongoing hellhole that is the Iraqi War, the growing acceptance of the climate crisis and the need to act ASAP, etc. and vote against their own best interests.


Anonymous said...

Oh no, and 18-year old leftist punk on the internet who is an obama-bot full fledge is getting testy and personal. I'm sure rightwingers are hirt by obama-sukcing leftwing zealot like yourself foaming about them on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Screw-the-Left said...
Oh no, and 18-year old leftist punk on the internet who is an obama-bot full fledge is getting testy and personal. I'm sure rightwingers are hirt by obama-sukcing leftwing zealot like yourself foaming about them on the internet.

June 24, 2008 10:42 AM

The only one foaming at the mouth is you, you illiterate, uneducated, backwards screw-head.

Jonathan has more intelligence, class and style than you will ever hope to have, screw-head.

Typical GOP troll: Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

"I'm sure rightwingers are hirt by obama-sukcing leftwing zealot like yourself foaming about them on the internet."

'Zilla The man can't spell the word hurt

Really these right-wing stooges are great comedy.

Anonymous said...

godzilla-wannabe said:
"Jonathan has more intelligence, class and style than you will ever hope to have, screw-head."

Typical GOP troll: Pathetic

It's cool to the nutroots get all testy and personal at people that don't agree with them.
Typical nutroots/kook fringe democrat base poster: pathetic whiner and boring

Anonymous said...

Typical GOP troll: Pathetic

It's cool to the nutroots get all testy and personal at people that don't agree with them.
Typical nutroots/kook fringe democrat base poster: pathetic whiner and boring

Irony is a literary or rhetorical device, in which there is an incongruity or discordance between what a speaker or writer says and what he or she means, or what is generally understood.

In modern usage it can also refer to particularly striking examples of incongruities observed in everyday life between what was intended or said and what actually happened.

There is some argument about what is or is not ironic, but all the different senses of irony revolve around the perceived notion of an incongruity between what is said and what is meant; or between an understanding of reality, or an expectation of a reality, and what actually happens.

Irony can be humorous, but it does not have to be.

A specific type of irony, Socratic irony, which was coined by Aristotle, refers to Socrates' feigned ignorance when he pretended to ask questions of people who purported to have knowledge but were shown to actually be ignorant.

And yes you are a pathetic whiner and very boring.

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