Wednesday, February 7, 2007

People die in wars...But Cedarford lives on

Why don't you STFU yourself, wuss boy. People die in wars. That's why they are debated so hard. Just don't play the game of how your precious emotions have caused you to become a quivering pile of blubbering jello when people actually die in war.

From the shock!! of it, or similar such nonsense.

Fact: War happens when two or more sides try to kill folks not on their side.

Fact: Nothing you do will keep soldiers or folks at home "perfectly safe". People WILL die.

Fact: Compared to other wars, the Iraq war casualties have been light.

Fact: People that profess an emotional meltdown from the unbearablity of death in war ignore massive causalties from other everyday features of modern life.

Fact: All the stuff about protecting the troops or people at home means nothing when you face a capable, intelligent enemy determined to kill. Armor is now growingly useless because the enemy has adapted and is getting high tech weaponry from Islamoid allies.

Fact: Those that adapt theatricality and claim they are emotionally destroyed because any death is too many re: their favorite cause are stunted idiots blind to the realities of war, driving a car, hospitals, or taking a swim.

Fact: Johnt is a dumb self-righteous little twerp who is willfully ignorant of the dangers of those patriots who step up and put on the uniform to serve this country. In peacetime or war, people die because they willingly step up to risks that civilians avoid. No military unit deployment has ever happened in peace or war without someone dying. There are always accidents. If not accidents, a smart enemy. The enemy you can deal with by doing your best to kill them first.

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