Saturday, February 17, 2007

Charles Butler Doesn't Watch Fox For News ContentHe Watches It To Release His Sexual Tension

Sorry Deborah but we have to present the News like it is. You cannot brainwash everybody and babycakes Nancy Smancy is the UNPATRIOTIC MASTERMIND behind this. Question: ARE YOU UPSET THAT BANDERAS PRESENTED THE NEWS ACCURATELY OR THAT THE NEWS MAKE NANCY LOOK UNPATRIOTIC? Sorry to say this but the Left does not have the stomach to fight the savages that want to destroy us and our way of life. These people kill anyone who disagrees with them or leads a lifestyle that they do not like. We cannot make a deal with these thugs because they will never make a deal with us. You are not only unpatriotic but stupid. That is like!

PS: And by the way, Julie Banderas is one of the sexiest ladies on Fox News. I would pay to see her present the news anytime as long as she is no damn liberal!

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