Wednesday, November 21, 2007

We Should Consider Ourselves Lucky...

What you liberals fail to realize is this is war,a war that you declared on us 7 years ago when you tried to steal a national election and had the unmitigated gall to accuse the legitimate winner of being the thief.We don't have to be nice to you people.Frankly I think you should consider yourselves lucky that this rift you brought upon this country hasn't escalated into bloodshed yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What this poor cocksucker fails to realize is that if one of his fellow neocon pukes is stupid enought to try and start a civil conflict here in America that there will be no avoiding military service and that he and his fellow chickenhawk cowards will be in a bullet's way and not some poor soldier ordered there by thier beloved president.

I've heard alot of that kind of juvenile drivel around here where I live, and they aren't too keen on kicking liberal ass when they find out that I'm one of the liberals they have to deal with. They're realllll brave when sitting behind their keyboards, but confront them face to face and they redefine the word "chickenshit".

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