Saturday, November 3, 2007

This Thread Is Off To A Flying Start

Newshounds finally gets something right. The State department and Blackwater DO have a strong relationship. It goes something like this: Blackwater keeps the State department folks alive, and the State department people appreciate it.

Whay part of a libtard with a bomb on his back dont you get? A cop at a concert is a nazi, a left wing wacko with a bomb or a psyco verbally assulting and endangering herself and others in an attempt to stop someone elses right to free speech is harmless? This is o.k. with you libtards, and thats why your political puppets will always fail. Grow up, pull your pants up, turn your hat around, get a real job, and actually do something for this country!
"In a great illustration of how many mainstream media journalists view the war in Iraq through the prism of the war in Vietnam, twice on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News veteran foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell said "Vietnam" when she meant to say "Iraq." Offering a brief summary of how State Department foreign service employees are fighting a plan to involuntarily assign 40 of them to the embassy in Baghdad, Mitchell told anchor Brian Williams about a meeting held Wednesday: "There were a couple of hundred diplomats -- this is extraordinary -- they rebelled against being ordered to Vietnam." 2...b20071101.asp#1

I bet Andrea was getting just a little wet when she was making this mistake.

nice try asshole. more libtard tacticcs. mauybe you suck cocks, dbc doent., but its typical libtard stuff. thanks for proving my point. LOSER!


Anonymous said...

LOL, you forgot the part where he said to disregard his previous post, and that he sucks cocks.

Anonymous said...

I didn't post that because I assumed somebody was stealing his Moniker...maybe not :)

Anonymous said...

I'm dbc a cocksucker or not?

By the way, count.....
Things are very grim at Nebraska. Can Tom Osborne be far behind?
Isn't he some sort of RW politician now?

Anonymous said...

dbc is a cocksucker but not as big a cocksucker as Ted Olson. Tom Osborne was a congressman and ran for Governor (lost) he has been brought back as interim Athletic Director. he's going to fire Bill Suckahan and hire the new coach. Osborne is one Republican I will never bad mouth. I would never vote for him either though.

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