Monday, November 26, 2007

Oh Yeah This Is Really Chrish

I went to a lot of effort on this? Where the heck are the comments? Come on people!

Come on faggots. COMMENT ALREADY!

Now there are 2 mods that I have had "issues" with from time to time and Chrish is one of them but I am pretty sure she has never referred to people on Newshounds as faggots. Well that and a Mod post would have a Newshound link by their name. Is it too much to ask of these trolls to at least try?


Anonymous said...

[Is it too much to ask of these trolls to at least try?]


As if, furthermore, any of the real mods would be begging for comments! The volume of trolls they have to deal with, I bet it's kind of a mixed blessing when a thread is lightly commented.

They're - or, I should say, It and Its Basket of Sockpuppets is - out in force. They smell 2008 coming...

Anonymous said...

Also, Chrish's grasp of grammar is far better than this troll's attempts to turn statements into questions (?).

Sergei Andropov said...

Not to mention the fact that she'd be smart enough not to ask for comments in the comments section.

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