Monday, November 26, 2007

I Admit It Your Insanity Knows No bounds

No, actually I never said that the actual death of people was meaningless. I said that how people INTERPRET SYMBOLS was meaningless because you can think whatever you want about anything.

Now, either you knew damn well that this is what I was saying and wanted to distort it or simply outright lie, or you are dense.

If we are recommending education then might I recommend for you logic and/or critical thinking exercises, classes, books, etc. to help you out. Your point is moot when it comes to "the significance of nooses." Yes, great...nooses were used to kill people and have been for quite awhile. There are laws for threatening violence on people. But this idea that banning a noose because it is a racist symbol is ridiculous.

And again. Once the noose is banned, something else will replace it and then you crybabies will want that banned, and it will be an endless cycle.

Look, why don't you crazy CareBear rejects just admit that if racist people start using the cirlce as a racist symbol then you will push to have it banned and all math books will have cirles and circle related formulae removed? That is what I really want. Just admit that your insanity knows no bounds.

Posted by: EZFlowElbow on Mon 11.26 1:13am

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. I wait awhile before I put a post from a regular poster of Off Topic on here because it could be a case of disagreement over a single issue but this easy flow toilet dude seems to believe he is better than everyone else in the world. I for one am not impressed.


Anonymous said...

I strongly suspect he's a "concern troll." Go back through his posting history, and when he's not taking on the "-ism" of the day (racism, feminism, etc.) he's playing the left-and-right-are-just-the-same anthem. The whole point seems to be to stir the pot and pick fights. He's just doing it with meatier issues than most.

Complete waste of time and pixels.

Anonymous said...

That pretty much sums up my opinion of him as well.

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