Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hussein O'Bob Loves America But Hates You

You f**king traitors hate this country, our soldiers and anything that President Bush does. I hope the ragheads make a special effort to insert a hand grenade up your socialist asses and let you try to shit it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All you dumb bastards want the ragheads to rule the middle east, huh?

None of you sorry bastards deserve to be defended so why don't you just go to the gay cesspool of SF and perform fellatio and cunnilingus to your hearts content. All these socialists will look up someday and beg for mercy from the ragheads or maybe they will all go to Iran, Syria or anywhere except here.


Mr. Brown said...

just more of that compassionate conservatism the trolls love to spread.

it just makes me all warm and tingly inside.

Anonymous said...

Such a charmer, is Hussein O'Bob. Imagine the audacity of anyone thinking that the people who actually live in the Middle East should have anything to say about how they are ruled. The idea!

The trolls talk a big line over the Intertubes, but even taken collectively I doubt they have enough brain cells amongst them to scrape up so much as a vestigial cerebellum.

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