Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The View From My Ass

The Count Watches His Fucking Language

Goddamn it's been so long since I have wrote one of these that I have almost forgotten what it was like to write them. OOPS I am sorry last week I wrote an award winning piece called "You Know What fuck Veteran's Day". Well I showed it to really the only person whose opinion on such things matters to me and she said that while she agreed with my point my language was too strong. so taking that into consideration let me start over...

Fuck it's been so long since I have written one of these fuckers that I have almost forgot what it is was fucking like to write these fuckers. MUCH BETTER. Anyway man has Newshounds been thick with trolls. And a sad but true fact is that for the next year things will be getting worse before they get better. I think that for 2 reasons. A. there is a Presidential Election going on. And B. The sure results of said election scares the trolls shitless. Anyway it should give my blog plenty of ammo.

Speaking of trolls who the fuck is EtJ? Other than some self important little toad who loves to kiss his own ass? Today He/She it pops up in between Ranger 08's little trollathon and offers up this little piece of self important garbage...

As America rots from within, the dumbshits bicker over which party is the least/most corrupt. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. The fall is underway, the landing will be ugly. The FOOLS are within, here in America, and alive and well posting here at Newshounds. Representing both parties of the corrupt government.
AS I was saying, the FOOLS are Within..... You prove my point with every post.
McClellan wrote a book which he said...

"The most powerful leader in the world had called upon me to speak on his behalf and help restore credibility he lost amid the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. So I stood at the White house briefing room podium in front of the glare of the klieg lights for the better part of two weeks and publicly exonerated two of the senior-most aides in the White House: Karl Rove and Scooter Libby.

There was one problem. It was not true.

I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice President, the President's chief of staff, and the President himself."

Now some might be tempted to say hurray for Scotty and congratulate him for turn-coating on his former boss. But I won't. Here is what I said Newshounds...

"I hate the way these leaches lie for each other then turncoat and beg for forgiveness. to hell with that. Fuck Scott McClellan! His little turncoat tactic to sell books doesn't wash the stain off of him."

I am sorry but all the time that little weasel had to come clean when it mattered and didn't say jack shit and now because the little pips fucker wants to sell a book he's singing like a canary? Fuck Scott McClellan!

Shut up and...well just shut the fuck up.

laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter with flesh and a vagina filled in for Bill O'Really today. I really don't have much to ad except my sources tell me she was fucking awful...which means she's got the fill in job for keeps. Since the scary Mexican yelled Boo really loud and made Jesse Maglalang run to the nearest Quiznos and change her soiled panties. Really since Laura's big claim to fame is that she gets to fuck T-Boone Pickens 4th after a transvestite, A
Filipina Pitt-Bull and Michael Savage she should take her own advice and just shut the fuck up.

Speaking of T-Boone Warbucks.

T Boone takes philanthropy and bullshit to a whole new level. The Oil man has two pet project that he selfishly contributes to make the world a better place for all mankind...

One is to bring home a Big XII championship in football to Oklahoma State. Now I am a Nebraskan and I take great joy in the fact that there isn't a rule that the university of Oklahoma hasn't or won't break, but their little brothers to the north can cheat with the best of them. Everytime Oklahoma State is halfway good in football you know probation can't be far behind. In 1976 they won a share of the Big 8 championship...head coach Jim Stanley was running a slush fund. They were good in the mid 80's...Head Coach Jimmy Johnson was paying recruits. Does the name Hart Lee Dykes ring a bell Cowboys fans? Whenever OSU gets good again and they will as soon as Mike Gundy, (he's a man he's 40) gets fired, the shit will hit the fan and OSU will be right back on probation.

T-Boone's second favorite cause is the swift boaters. See he funds them. And he's offered a Million dollars to anybody who can proof the swift boaters lied. John Kerry took him up on the offer. Then T-Boone shit all over his depends.

At an anniversary dinner event for the American Spectator magazine last week, Texas oil magnate and longtime funder of right-wing causes T. Boone Pickens opted to repeat a false claim in the form of a fresh challenge to re-brand old lies as the alleged truth.

Today Senator Kerry is taking him up on that challenge, and calling him out on his false claim.

Of course after Kerry's response T-Boone pulled a Ralph Kramden and went humina humina humina then changed the rules.

Last Friday, Senator Kerry responded to an offer made by T. Boone Pickens to give one million dollars to anyone who could disprove any of the charges made by the SBVT group against him by taking him up on his bet. Mr. Pickens responded by trying to retroactively change the terms of his original offer to limit its scope and impose additional conditions.

Below is the text of a letter Senator Kerry sent to Mr. Pickens this afternoon in reply.

Now T-Boone is an old man. He will be rotting in the ten level of hell very soon being guarded by the old 3 headed not Cerberus, there will be a dog with the heads of Maglalang, Coulter and Ingraham, so all I will say is T-Boone Pickens is a octogenerial ass-goblin and a first rate cocksucker.

While I am on the subject of cocksuckers

I want to go back to Maglalang. I once did a thread called ask Jesse's girl and I answered the questions like this...

Q: What do you think about Romeo and Juliet?
J.G. Lomeo Italian he good man. Juriet very chased. Riberal memebers of church get invorved and soir situation if Riberals stay out of Juriets business then Juriet serve Romeo rike I serve Jesse. ribrals in the church kill lomeo and ruriet they hate us white people.

PC? Nope. In good taste? probably not. Predictably this was the response I got...

You've got a hell of a lot of nerve calling Michelle Malkin a racist after these last two posts. Just out of curiosity, do you have any actual defense of your hypocrisy?

In case it matters, I consider myself a liberal and disagree with 95% of what Michelle Malkin has to say. I just don't think blatantly racist attacks, personal threats, and harrassment are acceptable behavior in response. People really need to crank back the debate a few notches in this country, or else I'm afraid we'll end up with our own version of the Sunnis vs. the Shiites in the not-too-distant future.

I bring this up because I am sure I have offended somebody and they are just going to have to tell me about it. The honest truth is I don't give a flying fuck if you are offended so please don't fucking bother me by writing.

The Callahan Affect.

So last Saturday a friend of mine and I decided to head to Lincoln and check out Doc Sadler's bunch as they were playing their second game of the season Against Alabama A&M. Now to say Nebraska basketball is a little brother to football is a complete understatement. Volleyball is Football's sister, Baseball is it's brother, Basketball is like football's Retarded cousin that the rest of the family is ashamed of. Anyway as my friend and I are going to the ticket window to buy two a guy walks up and says if you need tickets I have two you can use for free. I'm not using them and I don't want to see them go to waste.We take the tickets and thank the gentleman and then head inside to a 2/3's empty arena. The crowd that is there is dead as hell. The team played very uninspired though they did manage to win 65-49 and I looked at my friend and said "Bring Callahan back and football will be like this and they can't afford it" That is the honest truth. The State can not afford even another year of the Callahan affect. He's killed the state enough as it is. This is Nebraska. We have next to nothing. That next to nothing we have is our football team. I could not disagree more with the politics of this state and yet I am 100% behind the football program and being such I would be crushed if Saturday word comes out that Bill Callahan will be coming back next year. Tom do the right thing please. Oh and why do they play Sweet Caroline at halftime of Basketball games? The Red sox play that. Don't we hate Massachusetts here? :)

If You Still Think I am Steve Hanway.

There was, and still is, a troll who posts here who thanks to his 15th rate detective work thought he figured out my identity and was naturally wrong. Anyway the person this fool thought I was wrote this article on his blog...

basically saying that it might be a bad thing if Callahan would get fired. The article was a load of nonsense and I said as much on his blog. If you still think I am Hanway all you have to do is read this. I couldn't disagree more with Hanway on this. And as it turns out Hanway doesn't even agree with himself. ..

I feel much better about the man after reading this.

The Real Evil Empire.

Thanksgiving day I am heading out to Boulder Colorado to watch what, If there is a God, will be Bill Callahan's last game as head coach as head coach. Now there are few things I hate more than Bill Callahan, well other than conservative idiots, and all of them will pop up this weekend...

1. The Colorado Buffaloes. Look Look we've won once in 40 years it's a rivalry let's throw piss at the Nebraskans!!!
2. Turkey . You start eating it on Thursday and you are still chewing the shit on Sunday. Thankfully my Father in law taught me how to get through it. (Pour Gravy all over it.)
3. And the fucking Creighton Bluejays! Oh god I hate those slum creating maggots. Creighton's fan base is the worst Nebraska society has to offer. Really all Creighton fans are is bandwagon hopping, slum creating, pompous ass buckets of puss. I would love to send The Creighton media, Travis Justice, boy what a fat tub of shit that fuck is, and his girlfriend Matt Perrault into a shock coma for the second year in a row. The bad thing is the game is at 1 o'clock on Saturday and I will be coming back from Colorado as the game is being played. We are staying in Colorado Friday after the game and coming back Saturday.

The good news is Nebraska played again tonight and played much better. especially in the second half. They beat Norfolk State 83-48. A weekend with a win over Colorado in football and Creighton in basketball will be fucking sweet, a weekend with those things and the firing of Bill Callahan would be Fucking Rapture! sorry Ralph. But dear God if you can only give me one of those three things...sack Callahan's sorry ass! please?

Take It Like a man.

Nebraska's out of nowhere 73-31 victory over Kansas State two weeks ago was one hell of a tonic for a state that has watched it's pride and joy be pissed on and shit on for 4 years. Nearly everyone in the state was gleefull afterwords...everyone except of course...Omaha World Herald sports columnist Lee Barftknecht who makes no secret he has a mad man crush on Kansas State coach Ron Prince. Barfknect actually refers to Prince as "Mr. Bold and Dangerous" and his weekly Big XII column consists of nothing more than his hatred for Nebraska and his mad man love for Ron Prince. How much does it suck for Lee B that shitty ole' Nebraska has skull fucked his big bad bold and dangerous both times they have played? Seriously I haven't seen a sportscaster in Omaha that crushed since Justice had to sooth Perrault last year after the NU/Creighton game. And before that it was the double overtime victory over Iowa State in football that sent T-Justice into a mourning that no amount of jerking off to Dan McCarney could erase... So sad! Not really.

I better wrap this shit up.

If you are still reading...why? seriously? why? anyway if you are thank you. I have said more than my peace and this is as good a place as any to call it a night. Actually I should have done that 6 paragraphs ago. I am not leaving till Thursday so I will most likely post some more troll droppings tomorrow and wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving. I still wish the Pilgrims would have ate something else before they all gathered around the Tube to watch the Detroit Lions get their asses kicked back in 1620. Oh well


Count Istvan

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