Saturday, August 11, 2007

i Don't Think Michael Is Really A Writer. i Don't Know What Gives It Away

paige--don't really frequent here on any regular sort of level--have checked it a bit (handful of times) for a couple of months after certain stories break-i like how the hosts cover things, even if i disagree--they're really good. maybe it's my timing, but typically it gets real ugly real quick from posters though. i admit, i am ultra sensitive to language (i write for a living) and so when i read some of the grime here it makes me appreciate the standards of newspapers and magazines. as well, i made a comment here a few weeks ago and was viciously accused of being this person or that person or a republican or a nazi or on and on and on--wearying and extremely offputting stuff.

sorry you asked? ;)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to more info on this.

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