Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Boortz Has Been mentioned On Newshounds

When he or his lackies spot it they will send out the clarion call to descend upon Newshounds. And Nobody is better for material for this board than Boortzwholes because his followers are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. I promised not to engage them and I won't but man if Ellen, who has a very low tolerance level, isn't on her game that thread will get plenty ugly with out my help.


Anonymous said...

Boortz's buttboys have always been trouble for Newshound threads in the past. Good luck fighting them Count. I wish I could be there to help in the troll whacking. You know that thread is going to be crapped on by the trolls in huge numbers.

Anonymous said...

Are you among the banned?

Anonymous said...

Yes, MLP, I am. I chose to post at the wrong time on a thread being monitored by Marie-Therese and I got whacked along with the trolls. I now pretty much hang my hat here at the Counts place.

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