Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Conservatives Cheerlead Death.

Now, now Count Stevie. No need for such childish language. For a UNO grad to be such a angry little person is really amazing. We're neighbor's if you still live in the Big O and fellow UNL, UNO grads, that is if you graduated. Nothing like a Husker Fan. Passionate and hungry for victory, but a True Husker Fan never post's American hating garbage. We buried two of the OUR greatest yesterday in HuskerLand. They died for US. Join the Patriot Guard and see what evil really is at a soldier's funeral.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a TRUE American to me. Not one of you American hater's posting on hate blogs. You're just ticked someone called you out and proved you are NO TRUE HUSKER. Now curl up with a kitty and get ready to watch your oralmuttmann. All YOUR roads lead to the Big Red Network. It's really okay countess steve. Unlike you, I don't hate Mavericks or phoney hate filled Husker Fans.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you be a true American by Losing 600 pounds and enlisting? Naw you would rather sit on you 950 pound ass and troll. it's much easier. BOO Somebody just shit themselves.

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