Thursday, July 5, 2007

G-Dawg By Any Other Name

Even the America hater johnny conyers loves FOX. It's going down the drain for you mutts.
Rep. Conyers talks to Fox News Radio… reports that Rep. John Conyers spoke with Fox News Radio about the commuting of Libby’s sentence and a review of Presidential pardon power. What’s interesting to me about this is that this is the same John Conyers who railed against FNC just a few short weeks ago. Now, apparently, he has no qualms talking to an arm of Fox News.

Filed under: Cable News, FOX News Channel - Spud Comments (3)
read sentence again there genuis. Damn mutts need a guide dog to read simple words for you?

boo frickin' hoo! Can you mutts do anything but whine about AMERICA'S CHANNEL? Guess once again you American hating loser's lose again. Daddy can I use yuz and mommys BONG? Give me a bong or give me a 'ore, NOW DAMN IT!
read and howl mutts.
Thursday, Jul 05
June #'s: Program Ranker
I posted the Q2 ranker on Tuesday. Now here's the June ranker, with ratings for every weekday cable news show. Highlights:

> FNC has the top 5 (and 13 out of the top 15)

> Top dog Bill O'Reilly had a great month with 2,217,000 viewers, up from 1,954,000 in May

> Larry King placed sixth with 1,111,000 viewers, also up from May

> Lou Dobbs topped Anderson Cooper in total viewers, but Cooper had more younger viewers

Analyze it yourself:

> June 2007 ranker (PDF)
Posted by brian | 05:01 PM | Ratings | Email this post

Put the bong down, you've obviously had too much.
Circle Takes The Square | Homepage | 07.05.07 - 9:01 pm | #
yes you have there mommys boy. Now go back to the basement because the moon will be rising soon for you to howl at. Begone little mutt, begone to mommys basement or she'll send the catcher down to get you.

Raise your left paws and repeat after your GOD, ME!
“The armies of SOROS are coming, we are ready. I must endure and outdo all the others in endurance. I will do what SOROS has willed for me indeed only then will SOROS make me successful both in this life and the next.”

“I can only repay this debt of gratitude by giving my life and blood for his cause. I just pray that SOROS makes this path easy for me.”

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