Thursday, July 26, 2007

Proud America Has A Hard On For Newt.

"Gingrich stopped just short of calling liberals dangerous traitors."

Calling them that would've been hitting the nail on the head. But He probably refrained from doing so because there are still some JFK liberals out there. Somewhere. Liberals today are practially non-existant or maybe just hiding in the shadows of the group that took their place. The progressives.

Anywho, if Gingrich decides to stay out of the race for the White House it is more than likely because of his personal life a while back when he left his wife while she was ill.

If he does still run then that sucks for the dems because even if he does not get the nomination he will be bold enough to expose the democratic candidates for exactly what they are. And that won't look good for them. They cannot matchup intellectually with Newt so they will resort to name calling and talking about the wife he left.

Clinton should love Newt. After all, Newt was responsible for the bill that proposed a balanced budget while he was Speaker of the House during her husbands administration. That is what I hear people say when I ask what was good about Clinton. They often reply with one thing: "he balanced the budget." I love hearing that because it makes me laugh and everybody with half-a-brain knows the Contract With America, which Newt spearheaded, was the key to the balanced budget. Without Newt Clinton would've been remembered only for his fling with Monica.

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