Thursday, July 5, 2007


checkmate my liberal friend: first, scroll up to see what your brethren post. Hateful, ignorant rants without an ounce of objective reasoning.
Second, Japan is a nation of about one hundred million with a net immigration of about 0. What poor and indigent population is Japan taking in? whatsmore, Japan is a largely homogenous nation. One overwhelmingly singular demographic, they are all Japanese. Different ballgame. Like Iceland. Start to understand the reality of the USA. we are a hugely diverse nation, with issues most of the world does not even begin to deal with. Japan is a very insular society. Their very religious beliefs are not for the self like we are used to here in the USA. Take it for what it is, good or bad. apples and sushi.
learn to distinguish between rhetoric, in the sense of empty solopsistic phrasing as has become the norm, especially amongst the liberals and true use of language as communication.
I have posted only facts here. Counter my arguments if you can, and leave the leave the discourse on sentence structure for the 7th grade grammer class.
lol, or do you really believe that my statement; "we all die", is just empty rhetoric and only anecdotal at best?lol
Hate to bring this up folks, but in case you missed the 1990's, when healthcare reform was first instituted; the HMO mess we are currently in was set in motion by the clinton's. and who was the lead point lady on healthcare for good ol' bill? why of course Hillary. Who can forget Senator Dole pulling out that convoluted map of healthcare under the HMO model while the discussion was on the Senate floor? No doubt there are problems in healthcare and it can always be improved but let's not forget to send some of your anger to the woman who now wants to be your
I'm afraid, I have yet to hear a valid point of argument from you , or does your style of debate consist solely of repeating the opponents points and snorting haughtly like a mule with gas?
Here's a start, try to explain why the earth has gone through heating and cooling cycles well before man showed up on the scene about 120,000 years ago.
ok folks, I gotta go to bed now. because I have a job to go to in the morning, the one that I pay taxes with, and I know that millions on welfare are depending on me.
I'll keep it brief: you folks have way too much anger in you, I can only surmise that it is due to some failure on your own part to succeed in this society. But, hey, at least this is a democracy, and unlike you, if the opposing party's candidate gets voted into office by some cosmic spasm of ignorance, well then, I'll deal with it. I won't cry and moan and say it was rigged or that it's some conspiracy or develop an abnormal fixation with that leader.
I will continue to work hard to make my life worthy without resorting to the sordid habit of blaming everyone and everything for things that are not going my way.
Have a nice evening. and may God bless America.

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