Thursday, March 15, 2007

Trolls On A Clinton Thread? The Hell You Say!

Fox Morning Show Slams Clinton for Conspiracy Claim

Hillary is scared now. She thought she was going to sail into The White House without a fight.

NOT !!!

She is losing in the polls to Barak and now she is losing to Rudy.

Hillary is like a trapped rat in the corner.
You cannot compare the two administrations - its like apples and oranges. Bush had to deal with 9/11 almost his whole presidency. If Clinton had taken care of Al Qaeda like he should have after the first WTC attack, think of how different things would have been...
Clinton did more to fight terrorism than any president

You can say that with a straight face!!!!

Pass the kool aid around boys, have another round!

So what?

If this is all true like you say it is, then why did Sandy Berger have to break the law and steal documents from the National Archives? I smell a rat here. The plea bargain he got made me gag by the way.

President Clinton had the attack on Chris Wallace completely planned. He was just angry that he didn't get the usual NBC, CBS, CNN softballs lobbed at him. Come on, Wallace is a mild-mannered guy. Give me a break.

And, by the way -- all Clinton did regarding terrorism is bomb a camel and an aspirin factory. And that was just to distract the American public from "Monica."

batvette in the house


Paige PdD needs to change here name to: Paige 'Cut/Paste' PdD

What a lonly girl you are. I would bet you are uglier than a dog ass.
Big deal. Bush got Hussein, who killed hundreds of thousands.
Ah yes, here we go with this again. Every Democrat is a genius, every Republican is a knuckle-dragging, drooling moron. Not even going to try to argue this "point" - it says more on its on than I could even begin to say.

YEAH YEAH......and if Britain hadnt trried colonizing the area a number of times....and if we hadnt been screwing with them politically for the last 80 years. And if we hadnt insisted on having troops in Saudi Arabia....etc etc And if.... and if How far back do you want to carrry this shit.

Let's carry it back to 1996, when Clinton was getting a blowjob from Monica instead of Osama from Sudan. Let's deal with more direct, proximate causes. Hey, I got a good one: if Osama's momma... never mind. Good Lord they grow them with a lot of fertilizer these days.

planet earth | Homepage | 03.14.07 - 5:17 pm | #

Only in LiberalLand is Saddam Hussein portrayed as a poor, innocent victim who just wanted to run his country without having to deal with that meanie, George W. Bush.

The only fact I was able to pull from your rambling, asinine, nonsensical post is that you are obviously a Utilitarian, not a Kantian.
Nice try, slick. A report published Monday? I saw that exact piece of information many, many months ago. You, young fella, are a liar and you have no credibility.
Champski has zero credibility. Wait, if he had none to start with, he must be negative now.
Marco, do you have anything serious to offer or a point related to the thread to make, or are you just here to make silly jokes about monkeys?
Well Claudo since a Federal judge has just ruled today that Sudan was responsible for the attack n the USS Cole I think we ought to bomb them next.You and your liberals would be okay with that wouldn't you ?
"Yeah and Junior killed six times that many just to get an old aging fart that didn't have long to live anyway. We could have just waited out Saddam until he died and it would have be cheaper and a lot less unnecessary deaths."

Waited out his sons, too? I wonder how many more hundreds of thousands they were going to kill. Maybe they would have lightened up. Oh, wait, how many atrocities had his two animalistic sons been guilty of by 2003? BTW, the UN statistics say 150k Iraqis have died - and that includes the anti-Iraqi insurgency. You do believe those figures, right? I mean, they do come from the UN.

"This war is lasting longer than any war in our history at a cost higher than any in our history."

I agree. The war costs so much money because winning the war is so valuable to our future.
Anonymous, go read planet earth's post and tell that his blowing off Hussein's gassing of the Kurds did not almost sound he was minimizing Saddam's actions? I have also read in this thread today that we went to war with an "innocent" sovereign nation. I am not suggested that everyone on the left has some twisted view of Saddam as a victim, but there are some people who seem to by their comments.
And your point is what Paige ?
Hmmm...let me guess...she is trying to imitate an RSS feed! Am I close? :)
You know what I find interesting? The human-rights crowd at one time would have rejoiced over the removal of a tyrant such as Hussein. Not anymore. Let's blame America. Blame America for liberating Iraq. Blame America for the Iranian-fueled anti-iraqi people insurgency.
Provide proof of that statement, please.
Does an Iranian-dominated Middle East sound appealing to you? You know that country? Yeah, the terrorist one.

" See, if I'm president, I've got probably another 50-60,000 with orders to shoot on sight anybody violating curfews. Shoot em on sight. That's me. President O'Reilly, curfew in Ramadi, 7 o'clock at night. You're on the street, you're dead. I shoot you right between the eyes. Okay?

I found the transcript. Curiously, the last line seemed to have been inserted some-what recently. I went ahead and left it out. Cerfews are instrumental sometimes in restoring order in anarchic places. Remember New Orleans?

Well marco, when comments above mine provide the support for my observation, the only ones thinking me silly are those in denial of what a subset of the left seem to think.

I am going to lament the fact that you are totally incapable of abstract reasoning. Obviously, you are not able to conceptualize what an American, liberal-inspired defeat in Iraq would mean to Iran.
I have already answered this question for someone logged in as Anonymous so I am just going to cut and paste for you. Perhaps you don't think this way and that is fine. I have no problem believing that, but there seem to be some of the left who, by their comments, refuse to see Saddam as the bad guy:

Anonymous, go read planet earth's post and tell that his blowing off Hussein's gassing of the Kurds did not almost sound he was minimizing Saddam's actions? I have also read in this thread today that we went to war with an "innocent" sovereign nation. I am not suggested that everyone on the left has some twisted view of Saddam as a victim, but there are some people who seem to by their comments.
Again, we ask you, Paige...what is your point? Yes, that is a loophole/flaw that should have been fixed, or better yet, never allowed to happen. But that oh-so-misleading headline (from the terribly slanted FoxNews no less) is hardly accurate. It is not as if the Pentagon was knowingly selling military surplus equipment to Iran. Nice try to smear, but if anything, you have given an instance where Fox was misleading against the Pentagon.
You have already been proven to be a liar. You are not credible. Why don't you go fabricate some more "evidence."
If this makes you feel better, rather than facing the reality of some of your fellow lefties' comments, then so be it. But I have one handle and one handle on the majority of sites I visit. I have no need to try to hide from what I have to say.
Are you talking to me, young fella?
She was politely telling you that you are an idiot. You do realize that posting that "poll" was a joke right? Or do you have the same sense of humour as the new "Faux" comedy shows that are trying to steal some of that "thunder" from the Daily Show?
NChomsky | 03.14.07 - 6:12 pm | #

Look, Champski, if all you can do is joke, why don't you stick with getting your news from Stewart and the Comedy Channel?

I came up with "Clintonianism" because I think it makes as much sense as "liberalism." You obviously live in a fantasy world inhabited by trolls and dominated by conspiracy theories. Do you find it hard to believe you are marginalized?

Well you folks have a nice evening. I gotta head home and get ready to watch my hero Sean Hannity so I know how to think tomorrow! ;)

It is very convenient to renounce both parties instead of defending your political viewpoints. It is very cowardly, too. I am sure I will be deleted. We can't have debate now, can we?
Paige I read the article you linked and you know what? Not one, single, solitary point you just made in that long post disproves the point that I made - there was not one inference in that article that there was an INTENT to arm Iran. Yes, there is a flaw in the system and yes it should have never been allowed to exist and should have been fixed. But that is NOT INTENT. On the point that there is a flaw....we agree. On the point that the headline was ignored it. So I ask...what is the main point you are trying to make with this article?
Oh, I see. Shouldn't you be reading "War and Peace" again or something. Or, maybe having it read to you again, I should iterate.
...still waiting for an explanation from this troll as to why Bush said several times that he's not concerned with bin Laden's whereabouts or why he went on vacation for a whole month after receiving an 8/6/01 PDB titled, 'Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S.' or why he disbanded the Unit dedicated to finding him."

That's right. Blame everyone except the terrorists.
I do not know who you are waiting to hear from, Paige, but I will bite. First, on the comment that Bush is not concerned with the whereabouts, can you provide a link that puts this quote in context. How can someone possibly comment on it like that? If anyone can link to it, you can! :)

As for the report and his "vacation" this is really picking nits. Do you think he is sitting out there on his ranch, cut off from the world? Do you really think a President does absolutely nothing on his vacations? Do you think he was not in contact with advisors on this and a variety of issues during this time? No, I cannot PROVE any of this, but is just common sense if you step back from your apparent hatred of this man for one second. Also, I do not know what that report contained. Hindsight is 20/20 - had he known that Sept. 11 was imminent his plans would likely have been different, but how could we have have known that this was around the corner in the way it was. Sure, you can make this look like a cold, callous act, a complete dereliction of duty, but when you step back from the partisanship, use basic common sense, you can see that there are many possible, non-sinister scenarios that could apply.
Yeah, I did. But since I woke up, I have noticed that Bush has not been impeached and funding for the war has not been cut. Are you sure you won?
You go, girl.
Amazing. Military equipent/parts/weapons are being sold to Iran via the Pentagon to a country Bush has said is a part of the "Axis of Evil" and you call it a "flaw in the system".

Who cares about a plane? We are talking about nuclear weapons.
Paige, you post snippets of articles and links very well. But, with all due respect, you cannot stick to the content of those very articles and make a solid point in agreement or rebuttal. Perhaps you do not want to consider the mitigating facts and you only seek to boil it down to portray Bush in the worst light. Regardless, I am done trying to reason with someone who is so willing to ignore large chunks of context.
I am sorry to hear that you would have preferred that the Iraqis live under the perpetual yoke of a Hussein dynasty. You have a lot of nerve. After the American army liberated Iraq, you take the side of anti-Iraqi insurgants that want to disrupt the creation of a government. Shame on you.
Marco, sometimes it can be tough to step back from your political leanings and try to look at something with a common sense point of view but you might want to try it sometime. It can be enlightening.
Is your head missing any pieces? I would laugh in your face; or piss in it, whichever I felt like doing. Hussein used to be our ally. Shit changes. You libs really do miss that old fart, don't you? Pathetic.
Anonymous, it is very simple. I am just not that familiar with those events so I cannot comment. I am not going to just make something up to make you happy and give you a comment. I will say this based on a quick Google search on National Security Directive 26 (no...I am not here to delve into any deep research for an anonymous comment board) - that smells like some real stinky bait that the left like to sink its teeth into, take out of context and then use it to attempt to smear their opponent. I admit...I could be totally wrong on that, but that is my initial gut reaction.
If you feel that strongly about it when do you leave for Iraq?
Anonymous | 03.14.07 - 6:52 pm | #

I leave in a few months.
Why the fuck do you care? Am I taking advantage of "obscene amenities?"

So your saying the last time she made the statement "vast right-wing Conspiracy” that she was right and Bill did not receive Fellatio in the White House?

Hum, History must be wrong!

It shows what asswipes lurk in the shadows here.

Too each their own. If you need to make love to Polly Palm and her five sisters, so be it. Me, I will opt for real women, Nope not the blow up one your familiar with, but a real women.

As far as the cross dressing, I say what ever gets your hand moving and gets you off is your business. Keep it to yourself. The rest of us normal men in a relationship have real women as a partner.

Maybe you should look into the
Fleshlight and cut out the hand and blowup all together. You all are so damn lonely on this site, is that true for all
Dem’s? Don’t answer that, I don’t want to know, was just being polite. LOL
Night Losers you did not answer my post before and offer a debate.

Maybe I will be back later but I just do not see the value of this website other than feeding the brain dead left which looks like your doing a great job. Keep up the good work.
Anonymous | 03.14.07 - 10:25 pm | #

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