That WAS addressed on another segment that included these two and Kraus KrautHeimer (total botch). It was noted how hypocritical John Edwards was for projecting what Jesus would do when he has people working for him such as the Christian hating bloggers spewing anti-Christian venom all over the net.
Dems Go Dumb
The Democratic Party of Nevada has fired Fox News as the broadcaster of its candidates' debate. That's their prerogative of course. But their explanation seems deliberately stupid: that Roger Ailes' joke about Barack Obama at a March 8 dinner crossed the line:
[I]t is true that Barack Obama is on the move. I don't know if it's true that President Bush called Musharraf and said: 'Why can't we catch this guy?'
How dense do you have to be not to notice that this is a joke against President Bush??
As dense as a left-wing blogger I suppose ....
Only in the kooky world of the far left could cutting and running from a debate because you don't want to face any tough questions be declared a "victory. " You guys crack me up. You really do. Keep up the good work. You're marginalizing yourselves far better than anybody from the opposition could ever possibly imagine.
Yes,Jesus would tax the rich,and yes,he wouldn't have a problem with Edwards' poor people's commitment. If he spends our money wisely,Jesus would like that too.
I think it's the hypocrasy of Edwards touting Jesus' views when his blogs are QUITE a different view. In fact, they're down right offensive to any Christian.
Dark Confines:
NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams draws between 4 and 5 Million viewers nightly.
Bill O'Rielly draws between 2 and 3 million viewers nightly.
Use that comparision to be more accurate.
Obviously I got the name wrong of the orgin of the editoral I quoted, since the NewsHounds quote the exact same editorial in the story below this one.
The more I think about this the more I think this entire episode will help the conservative movement and harm the liberal movement. As more and more "Average Americans" hear the and their ilk spearheaded the democrats to cancel the FNC debate, the more the "Average American" will identify today's Democratic Party with those kooks.
John, you really are dense.
And that is what we want; we want anyone and everyone that hears about a Democrat to immediately think about, Daily Kos, and yes, the NewsHounds. 13078877.html
Hard-core liberals can't stand the Fox News Channel. Passing a television that's tuned to the conservative favorite forces many of them to close their eyes, cover their ears and scream, "La la la la la la la la la!" Then they dash to their computers and fire off 2,500 e-mails condemning the outlet, none of which are ever read.
But liberals' aversion to Fox News has finally gone over the top. The Nevada Democratic Party had agreed to let the right-tilting network co-sponsor, of all things, an August debate in Reno between Democratic presidential candidates. Party officials were serious about drawing national attention to the state's January presidential caucus, the country's second in the 2008 nominating process. What better way for the party to reach conservative and "values" voters who might consider changing allegiances?
But the socialist, Web-addicted wing of the Democratic Party was apoplectic. The prospect of having to watch Fox News to see their own candidates would have been torture in itself. So they set the blogosphere aflame with efforts to kill the broadcast arrangement, or at least have all the candidates pull out of the event. Before Friday, the opportunistic John Edwards was the only candidate to jump on that bandwagon.
You'd think the deal called for having Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter mock the candidates between comments. No, even unfiltered, unedited, live debate between loyal Democrats couldn't be entrusted to Fox News.
The approach of outfits such as is so juvenile it's laughable. Imagine if every political organization created litmus tests for news organizations before agreeing to appear on their programming. Republicans would have boycotted PBS, CBS, NBC, ABC, National Public Radio and The Associated Press decades ago.
This hyperventilation results from the fact that far-left Democrats have no comparable media outlet, nor any widespread national appeal, for their radical views in favor of heavy-handed regulation, wealth redistribution, diplomatic capitulation and economic protectionism. So they attack their rivals' messenger with a reckless barrage of rhetoric that cuts down their own allies with friendly fire.
By Friday, the Nevada Democratic Party caved in to the lunatic fringe and beganseeking a more "appropriate" television partner.
Comedy Central, perhaps?
>>>>>>No Bob, you quoted something that didn't exist. Now are you going to admit you are just an idiot or keep showing everyone that you are?
john t | Homepage | 03.10.07 - 10:12 pm | # >>>>>>>>>>>>
Well, John?
Fox viewers = 0.5% of America. Staying away from the kooky-crazy-fascist-Fox will be seen as an obvious move any American would take.
Dark Confines | Homepage | 03.10.07 - 9:51 pm | #
I've heard this .5% argument several times here on Newshounds by several of your regulars. So I'm wondering, why such a fuss about such a FRINGE station? Why would anybody waste their lives on such a speck? a blip on the radar? I mean, day in and day out, watching Fox ALL day, spending your hours writing articles about what you watched and your thoughts on each segment, the hours you spend monitoring and deleting people's comments, the regulars who are here all day long; so much effort for what?Me thinks thou doth protest too much. You guys really don't know how to even be honest that FOX is a threat to you.
"This hyperventilation results from the fact that far-left Democrats have no comparable media outlet, nor any widespread national appeal, for their radical views in favor of heavy-handed regulation, wealth redistribution, diplomatic capitulation and economic protectionism. So they attack their rivals' messenger with a reckless barrage of rhetoric that cuts down their own allies with friendly fire.
By Friday, the Nevada Democratic Party caved in to the lunatic fringe and beganseeking a more "appropriate" television partner.
Comedy Central, perhaps?"
And by God you are. And since you are, here is the link AGAIN: 13078877.htmlI think the appropriate takeaway from the editorial is that if bias, real or percieved, is considered when deciding who hosts a political debate, then the Republicans should have boycotted any debate on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or PBS.
This site doesn't just "lean left". If you call the Review Journal a "radical RW" site, then this is a radical LW site.
Come on.I think any network would love to have 2 million viewers during a presidential debate.
Muddling through the ridiculous language, I get the idea you thought Ailes joke was about Obama.
Several of the posters here at NewsHounds recognized how Aile's joke could have been making fun of Bush.
Guess you can't understand the joke, then.
Even here at NewsHounds.
And yes, just a joke.
You seem to have forgotten what some democrats in Congress have said about the President. Not a candidate, but the President.
I guess you have "selective outrage". That is common among liberals.
In Memory Of Eileen Tuuri Friend and Co-Blogger. Thank You Eileen...For Everything.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Trollapaloosa Volume 5
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