Short And Sweet
This isn't going to be a very long post tonight just wanted to take time to wish all of those who so choose to celebrate such things...

I have no problem with Merry Christmas either but hey if it pisses Billo off it's Ok by me. How ever you choose to celebrate the up coming week I hope you stay safe and good time is had by all. I hope all of you get the gifts you want and have the best holidays ever.
A Very Count Christmas
This year the Count and Contessa are once again spending Christmas in the Count's neck of the woods. Last year we stayed home because of my Father and this year there was some concern about the weather although truthfully I think the Contessa would rather spend Christmas here anyway. it's her home now as well. Next year we will go to Missouri no matter what.
Anyway here is how the Count is planning on spending Christmas. Tomorrow will be just The Count and Contessa. I told her about how my family always celebrated Christmas and she seems to like our customs. Mainly no cooking. Although each Christmas I get more cookies than I know what to do with. We put a plate out of chips and crackers dip, some lunch meat and cheese and that's what we eat on Christmas eve and it always has been. Then after we eat we open the gifts. Last year we went into "hiding" after we opened gifts and truthfully I wouldn't mind doing so again. And no I am not saying where are hiding spot is. I've had it for 7 years and it's my secret.
Christmas is the family day. This year we are going to my Brothers where we will have a family gathering and this is where we eat a big Christmas dinner. let others cook the damn thing right? This lasts until I get tired of my family then we will come home and put another Christmas to bed.
I hate to ruin another Conservative myth but I for one love this time of year and always have. I miss the old days when I was child when everybody would go to my neighbors and have a shrimp dinner on Christmas eve. Those were great days.
Anyway once again Happy Holidays and I wish everybody the merriest every one that matters anyway. After tonight I will be back on tracking Vince and the other morans on Wednesday. Besides this being a Christian holiday and all I am sure they won't be posting the next couple of days anyway right?
Happy Holidays
Count Istvan
Just wanted to stop in and wish you a Merry Christmas!
Hope everything is good for you and your family!
By the way, I think I sent an erroneous post.
And a merry Christmas to you sir. I rejected the other post it's ok :) I will be back on newshounds tomorrow.
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