Monday, April 16, 2007

I Am Hurt

It is amazing. Paul, many people on this forum wish to allow the killing of millions of innocent infants, and yet my term "crack babies" offends you. Perhaps it is your morality that should be called into question. I have nothing against the poor kids who have been born to irresponsible, crack addicted women. I have a problem with a liberal society that seeks, either intentionally or inadvertently, to promote a "dumbing down" of our culture in the inner cities (all cities as far as that goes) and promotes a complete breakdown of the traditional family unit. The lack of morality in our culture breeds ignorance and irresponsibility, which contributes to millions of idiot crackheads (and I know not all of them are on crack, it is a term of endearing sarcasm which you all are just as fluent in) having kids in poverty and broken homes with no knowledge of how to raise them.

Your solution is to kill those babies before they are born, my solution is to educate the people and instill some sort of morality back into our culture.

And Liz, much like my calling people names doesn't make me right ... you claiming that some ignorant posting about "how government sponsored abstinance programs don't work" defeated conservative arguments, doesn't make it so. You do not acheive victory simply by your claims that your rhetoric has won the day ... it hasn't. Then you further display your complete inability to debate worth a damn when you make up facts about the kids in the 'abstinance only' pledge being conservative children. You base that on what? Even if it were the case, that fact would only show that there is such a great need to instill honor and morality in our culture again.

Finally, no, I am not looking for love here. I would not want or expect it. There is only one of you that I have any respect left for and that is MTL. He is the only liberal on this forum that seems to have any sense behind his ideology, even though I disagree with him. Posted by: RedStateConservative () on Mon 4.16 11:44p
This guy was going to get banned off the board and it was Yakki and I that saved him. Does he show us any love? No. Ungrateful bastard.

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