Monday, April 23, 2007

Cedarford On ...Oh Who Cares

I don't support arming every student, but there is a sad truth to male students here and in Europe being bled of virility and courage, to be inculcated that passivity and compliance are the cardinal virtues.

Think not only of Euroweenies and American Lefties refusing to even think of doing Lincoln Brigades like they once did in a heartbeat to fight in Spains Civil War against the fascist side for cases now like Bosnia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Congo, Darfur - but of Virginia Tech.

Male students had to fight not just a madman, but 12+ years of conditioning against ever fighting back. Even protecting themselves -except for 1 Prof and about six guys that were proactive in at least trying block doors . The rest just died cowering with the female students.
Not their fault.
They behaved as they were conditioned by Euroweenie and Lefty American educrats to behave.
Military trainers here and in Europe say that it takes weeks to reinstill behaviors of bravery, courage, and how to react to danger in male recruits. They are not inherent cowards, just raised in a society that prefers them pussified.

Has the archtype of the Western male become so effeminized that "Mr. Bean" the sailor that said he cried himself to sleep every night because Iranians laughed at him and took his iPod - is the "new male"? How he was only consoled by hugs from the obese little female collaborator/caregiver, "Topsy Turney"?

At VT, not a single group rushed Cho Seung-hui, no one threw anything at him in a bid to stay alive. Maybe they thought angry teachers using the "it always takes two to have a fight, you are both at fault" rule would mean they would be punished, even expelled for being bad, bad boys if they harmed poor Mr. Cho.

Cho's body was found without a single bruise or mark on him.

Survivors said no one tried to jump him as he walked around, delivering 3 shots at the heads of each target he stood over, fortunately missing the brains of many of them. They begged, tried reasoning, or played dead instead...No one laid a hand on Cho. Not even when he paused to reload.

Part of the reason I oppose students having guns without special screening is they are not trained in how to react to danger with proper behaviors.

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