Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Mikey Thayer: The War in Iraq equals The American Civil War.

Mikey Thayer the 400 pound sandwich maker from Iowa City who has been called a whirling dervish of pardison ignorrance in his hometown newspaper has this to say on his blog.

NEW YORK TIMES -- January 1, 1863 -- Continuing his unilateral approach to
a war that experts say cannot be won militarily, President Lincoln has scheduled
a press conference today to reveal a new policy for the war. Unnamed sources
close to the President's cabinet are speculating that Lincoln's new policy
will turn out to be yet another blunder, which will leave the troops in the
field demoralized and in growing disarray after multiple failures in
battle. Based on leaked internal documents, sources report that Lincoln's
reckless plan emerged in response to slaves wanting freedom. Experts scoff
at claims that this quagmire of a Civil War will free slaves from their masters............

Mikey also tries to be funny.

An elected liberal official will never say.....
10. "Oh I just couldn't, we’re taxed enough."
9. "Government can’t fix that."
8. "No kids in the photo op please , it's just not politically advantageous."
7. "The problem is fake."
6. "Do you think my budget is too big?"
5. "Senator, we don't need another bill."
4. "Give me a smaller portion of earmarks."
3. "I just couldn't find a thing at the lobbyist meeting today."
2. "Trim the fat off that pork."
And the #1 thing you'll never hear a liberal say.......
1. "The rules on that plan are just right."

So In honor of that I thought of something you will never here Mikey Thayer Say

I'm full!

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