Saturday, January 6, 2007

Guess Which State This Fool Is From...

This is why fox news is the best. They are always the first to report and
are always fair and balanced
floridaman 01.06.07 - 11:06 pm #

The only good Iranian, is a dead Iranian
floridaman 01.06.07 - 11:08 pm #

We need to put these Muslims in their place. Show them that
their oil can't buy them the power we got.
floridaman 01.06.07 - 11:09 pm #

Honeslty you all are hyping up the "radical" conservatives a
little to much.
floridaman 01.06.07 - 11:11 pm #

How have your lives changed since Bush has
been President? Don't give me bullshit like our freedoms are gone.
floridaman 01.06.07 - 11:13 pm #

Warfare has changed since the french got their butts raped in
floridaman 01.06.07 - 11:15 pm #

How so Puddleduck, what have i said to make myself appear to be a
joke to you?
floridaman 01.06.07 - 11:21 pm #

Well I wish the rest of the world could be
like the USA but you might notice that there are people over in the Middle East
that really don't like us and the way we do things.
floridaman 01.06.07 - 11:26 pm #

Well maybe there were people who used to like us but as time went
by their leaders or should i say dictators have been using all that oil wealth
on themselvs rather than for the people. The people of the middle east are
obviosly facing extreme hardships due high unemployment.
floridaman 01.06.07 - 11:32 pm #

I would be pretty discouraged if i had
fellow muslims blowing my family up. They are simply being bullied.
floridaman 01.06.07 - 11:39 pm #

Yea I am expressing my thoughts, Dan. It is called using a little
common sense.
floridaman 01.06.07 - 11:42 pm #

Hold on Dan. I am not saying the people of these countries are
causing all this. I am saying that their leaders aren't using this money the way
they should while at the same time people are falling into radical Islam because
they have nowhere else to turn to.
floridaman 01.07.07 - 12:00 am #

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