Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Yo Daddy raps

Melanie (whoever you are). I am one of the "Evil Rich". My company provides
over 400 jobs for people. The more we are taxed, the less resouces our company
has to expand. The less resources we have to expand, the fewer jobs we create.
It doesn't just work that way for us, it works that way for the entire economy.
The more the gov't takes, the less capital there is for the private sector to
flourish. This makes everyone poorer - "the rich" AND "the poor". Government
does not efficiently use money. It wastes money.I realize it is difficult for
those who have never earned the money and written the checks to IRS to
understand, but "the rich" pay more than their "fair share"The "richest" 1% pay
33% of the taxes while earing 16.5% of the income. Google "IRS income statistics
for 2005" and I guarantee you can find this all over the internet.
Socialists/communists are morons, how many times must history prove it? Please -
get an economic education.
Yo Daddy 01.09.07 - 8:54 pm #

Yes you all that is my solution.If you Socialists want to live in a
Socialist country go move to one. This is a capitalist country we have here and
your kind are not welcome.
Liberalsarecrybabies 01.09.07 - 9:15 pm #

So my point is you Socialists should stop trying to stick your lazy
Socialist hands into my pocket. My money is my money, not yours. Go earn some of
your own.
Liberalsarecrybabies 01.09.07 - 9:20 pm #

I am talking about my personal taxes. My company is an "S-corp", so
corporate income is reported on my personal return. Effectively, the Alternative
Minimum tax controls the tax rate.Most of you people are complete pinheads
Yo Daddy 01.09.07 - 9:28 pm #

I have an "8 digit net worth"
Yo Daddy Homepage 01.09.07 - 9:31 pm #

For example, if taxes took 100% of income, would anyone be incentivized
to start a business to make anything? What would be the point - all your profit
motive is gone! Would you go to work if all of your income was just taken from
you? Now, consider if taxes took 99%, maybe a few would be willing to take some
small risk (or go to work), but still not many. Extrapolate this all the way to
0%, and the same is true everywhere in between.
Yo Daddy Homepage 01.09.07 - 9:44 pm #

As for the $210 mil comment - why should you care what that CEO made? It
does not affect you! If you don't like what he got, then don't invest in the
company that gave him $210 mil, and don't buy their products. His wealth does
not cause your poverty. In fact, he will get taxed at 35%+/- on $210mil and put
+/-$75 mil in the tax system many of you seem to dearly love.Yo Daddy Homepage 01.09.07 - 9:49 pm #

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