Friday, January 5, 2007

Along Came Fyodor

How's that homeless problem going ? You San Fransisco liberals figured out how to fix it yet ? And how about the national defense ? You San Fransisco liberals come up with a solution yet on how to have a volunteer army when you bar recruiters from the school grounds ?
fyodor 01.05.07 - 2:00 pm #

Sorry guys, i had a few typos in my first post, it should have read:How's that OBL problem going ? You radical right nut jobs figured out how to fix it yet ? And how about the national defense ? You radical right nut jobs come up with a solution yet on how to have a volunteer army when you send our troops off to die in Iraq rather than defending the nation or it's interests?fyodor
fyodor 01.05.07 - 2:06 pm #

The San Fransisco liberals that you're all touting here as being such wonderful Americans with some admirable and American values that we should all be aspiring to. Letting homeless people piss,shit and sleep wherever the hell they want in their city AND barring military recruiters from their schools are both values of these oh so wonderful San Fransisco liberals.
fyodor 01.05.07 - 2:09 pm #

And the reason "that nobody here" is talking about San Fransisco liberals except Hannity and us "trolls" is because you liberals don't like to face the cold hard truth which is that you are not by any stretch of the imagination any better at solving problems than anybody else. You all like to live in your elistist little dream world where none of you ever do anything wrong. Except that you do. And if it bugs you to hear the truths about yourselves good. It's about time you psuedo-elitists all grew the fuck up and started facing the cold hard reality that is the liberal agenda.
fyodor 01.05.07 - 2:21 pm #

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