Friday, January 5, 2007


I like visiting News Hounds. It's the first site I visit each morning. But, I
tell you what I deplore about the comments made here. On every single issue you
side with the extreme left. Seldom do you write about what might be in this
country's best interest, so long as it's the opposite of a repuuck opion or a fux opnion. The Koran thing is is just one of many issues you get wrong. That sonofabitch is an American. We do things differently here, by OUR belief system. NOT by the Muslim belief system thats trying to destroy our was of life. It's almost like kindergartenhere sometimes. At the risk of sounding trollish. This is what I believe. I'm aware that there are good Muslims out there. However, untill they denounce as a whole, the extremist facist in a public forum, they are just another Muslim with hopes of destoying the United States of America.

gpatton 01.05.07 - 3:55 pm #

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