Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Something from a new thread!

If liberals defund this war and let the terrorists win they should keep in
mind they will be the ones responsible for any repercussions that occur from
their irresponsible decision. And this won't be like Vietnam either where the
left can just close their collective eyes and ears to all of the deaths that
their surrender causes because those deaths are happening thousands of miles
away. This Muslim enemy has already proven itself quite capable of attacking us
right here on our home turf so this time around the deaths that result from the
liberal surrender could very likely be right here at home.
Liberalsarecrybabies 01.09.07 - 4:28 pm #

Actually we can say the same for Bush. See the post above you,
you ignorant liberal bitch.
Liberalsarecrybabies 01.09.07 - 4:45 pm #

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