Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Another Prolife Conservative!!!

Kevin checks in...

Hugo Chavez has lost some flavor with leftists in USA, I mean the liberal media and ilk all but said Venezuela had a seat on UN Security Council-NOT! When that didn't occur most media outlets even Fox failed to mention that. A great leader from South America was Pinochet of Chile-when he ran that country that country prospered economically, etc. sure he took out a few commies but so what? Chavez will go by the way of Lulu of Brazil who used to be liberal media's star down there
"Arguing that Chile was under siege by communist subversives, Pinochet implemented a series of security operations in which (according to the Rettig Report) around 3,000 suspected terrorists or known dissidents were killed, and (according to the Valech Report) around 30,000

At the time of his death in 2006, around 300 criminal charges in Chile were still pending against Pinochet for alleged human rights abuses and embezzlement during his rule"

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