Tuesday, June 26, 2007

An Actual Troll Conversation.

Assuming this isn't one damn ass troll using two names to talk to himself... ( I think It Is)

Do you admire Hilter to?
Commie nations kill off the population and Chavex will to...soon.

Hey Jaybird

I would assume you don't know a thing one about Chavez's thuggish socialist tactics and his means and methods in taking and keeping power,
or the owners and operators of venezuelanalysis.com for that matter.

Read up lightweight because as far as history... Chavez is running down the same dead end path as Castro, Stalin, Mao and your other hero's.

As far as ignorance take a peek into your state provided mirror.

Sorry not Jaybird, My comment was directed at "Kell Hound"

Germany was a socialist nation under Hitler and has much in common with Chavez and Castro and others.
The changes the liberal progessives want to make in our great and grand US of A will teter us on the edge of that abyss.

Sorry not Jaybird, My comment was directed at "Kell Hound"
186 | Homepage | 06.27.07 - 12:28 am | #
You are a clear and well read poster. Thanks for your insight.

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