Saturday, March 15, 2008

This is, byfar, some of the most sickening crap I've heard coming out of the mouths of the fringes of Mark Noonan's circle-jerk blog.
*Side note: this is an old article, back when Noonan's blog was called Blogs for Bush.

In regards to the war on terrorism and the critics of our Presidential Decisions in play now regarding this war, it's very disheartening in the least to see those who do not understand the wages of the war; especially if we lose our battle in fighting an enemy who will lose their lives at any cost.
There are a few on the American soil who truly do not understand the mindset of the terrorists and what they are now planning behind the lines of butcherism, terrorism, and the likes.
It's very plain to see that the American people must stand firm at any cost in preserving our Nation Freedom and I believe the world will ultimately pen the fact that George W Bush truly understood the enemies against us.
There's people that are completely insane regarding their thoughts on the war on terror. Alex Jones in Texas and other extremists around the country just don't get it.
They rant and rave, because that's the tragedies coming from the hearts of these kind.
The sad truth is this, there's people like John Murtha and John Kerry who were in the war, but not of the war, they said they fought, but they stood as enemies to our Military Men and women who bravely fought. They now do everything possible against our government even though they are a part of the government.
We as Americans had best wake up to the fact that terrorism is here and it's here to stay. It's on the American soil right now, it's just not been unleashed yet.
George W Bush called these camps 'terror cells' which I'm sure most on the security commissions in Washington should be aware of them.
Do they understand their hatred (the Muslim Terrorists) for the American people. Do they understand that at any given moment they will eventually unleash an attack upon us, while so many like I've just mentioned sit back, twiddling their thumbs and wondering, "What's going on?"
How sad for this country that once stood in the midst of persecution and tyranny.
Our enemies are hard to recognize now, but Thank Almighty God we have a few good men and women that are willing to see terrorism for what it really is.
Thank God for America and those brave men and women who give of themselves everyday.
We've just celebrated Thanksgiving.
Are you truly thankful for what freedom you've had since September the 11th.
"I think for many YES.
But a few agnostics like the Raker & CO will spew forth hatred and filth for the sake of the terrorists.
Yes friends, the terrorists do have friends.
They are enemies also of America.
They want America to lose this battle.
They want America to come down in defeat.
And they will be EXPOSED.
All of them my friends will be exposed for who they truly are.
I can see them and I hope every God fearing, American Loving, Flag Honoring citizen can also.
Isn't it easy to catch all the ministers who have fallen (as a result of their own sin)and use them as GOP leaders or forerunners to make a certain party look bad?
Of course it is. And it's sad that these people take on a reputation that is honored by thousands and then go down in disgust.
But it's usually the liberals in their own country who cast them down, instead of forgiving, and once the're down they use this to tred upon the ones they hate the most.
The deception of such criminality will be exposed.
Some think America is on a downward trend towards Sodom and Gomorrah, and you know I believe this very much myself, although I also believe that when the righteous people in any nation will stand firm in the morality and values taught by our forefathers, then we will see a sleeping giant awaken and those I've metioned exposed.
This can happen and it must happen.
We can talk politics for days, but unless we realize the most important factor playing on America today, we are in trouble my friend.
Did you know that in the original constitution, any member of any court of law had to be a professed Christian.
And you know that's what made this country the greatest of all.
That's what made this country stand tall above all the rest.
We recognized a human creator, "not recognized by hands", we seized control of the moments we had to bow down to the creator of this universe.
Of course, I know I'll be critized and made a damnable heretic for mentioning the name of the "God of Creation" but who cares.
I simply acknowledge the great God of the Universe and His only begotten Son who is called Jesus Christ, who lived a life of criticism, but lived to the end, was cast down (some thought forever), was spit upon, beard plucked out, robe torn from him, nails driven into his precious hands and feet,
yes my friends his name is Jesus Christ and HE alone is the only hope for America.
And when people let it sink deep into their souls of what He has done for America and he's the reason that America was once strong, (stronger than any other), but the colleges and the universities have been deluged with professors and teachers (since the 50's) that brought in Communism, Socialism, Feminism, Immorality, and Now we have organizations such as the ACLU, NAMBLA, National Organization of Women (NOW) and it's led to a degeneration of our times people, it's led to a failed moral system in our Nation.
American can be brought back if the Majority of the Christians in this Nation will once again stand and call upon His Holy Righteous Name.

OK. I won't preach any more, I just become so aggravated to see such horrible things happen to our great Nation.

Posted by: Jeremiah [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 24, 2006 12:25 PM

I think it stems from a misperception - certainly we've been fed endless stories about how horrible we allegedly were for using the atomic bomb, but most Americans (and especially most leftwing Americans, who generally don't study matters military at all), don't understand how brutal we were in WWII. This is why Churchill's quote is so appropriate - even though written about WWI, it goes even more so for WWII.

We massacred enemy civilians by the tens of thousands at a time; eventually millions died at our hands - the left claims we are doing this now, but that is because they are stunningly ignorant of what a massacre really entails; even supposing the count of civil deaths is accurate, there is no conceivable way to lay the deaths at the door of the United States and call it "massacre". The Germans and the Japanese forfeited the right to reproach us for these actions, but the call of Nature and Nature's God still stands, and we have to account for what we did.

We are fighting this war in the most merciful manner imaginable, and we are doing it for the benefit of the enemy as much as for ourselves - and I'm glad of this; happy to keep at it, no matter how long it takes. It is the right thing to do.
Posted by: Mark Noonan [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 24, 2006 03:14 PM


Certainly we can be more aggressive - but first we'd have to sweep through the length and breadth of Iraq and get rid of every camera of any type. Our big problem isn't the brutality of war, but the way the MSM portrays the brutality - invariably, they show it as senseless and our fault. If there was one thing I'd un-invent for the world, it is photography and its bastard offspring, motion pictures. Every picture is, indeed, worth a thousand words...but each one of them is a lie.

Our problem here isn't that we're not allowed to make mistakes - if only we'd only be called out on our mistakes! No, what our critics are demanding - obscenly in chorus with our armed enemies - is that we not only make no mistakes, but do nothing which can be portrayed by out of context video as a bad thing.

Perhaps what we need in the upcoming SOTU is a bit of a primer by the President - it is a large audience, plenty of lefties will tune in because there will be Pelosi sitting behind the President in the Speaker's chair, and he can take the opportunity to bring out the cold, hard facts of life...just say it: the MSM is reporting the war mostly wrong, even when they try to get it right, because the camera concentrates necessarily on the, don't watch TV news about it; trust your armed forces, have faith in your country, and steel your hearts to go on until victory, no matter what pictures you're shown.
Posted by: Mark Noonan [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 24, 2006 06:22 PM

Kill them all and let God sort them out.

These are harsh words but, an effective military strategy. Our enemy must be defeated. The leaders of Islamic lands understand that their people must be brought to their knees and forced to capitulate hence, the despot. We're dealing with people that are wiling to strap bombs on their bodies to kill a few noncombatants to grab a headline.

They hide behind their children in the schools, behind God in their houses of worship, and behind their women in the civilian population to creep out and strike whom, those who cannot strike back in the vast majority of cases.

Moreover, the moderates are surprisingly quiet in condemnation of the radicals’ tactics. In fact, in the company of their own, most sing praises to them. Hate is taught is their schools and there is little or no effort by the moderates to change this. The blatant surreal hatred of the Jew is held not only by the radical but by the moderate also and passed on generation after generation to what end?

So, who is the guilty party or parties? Is the man or men whom could have stopped it but, who instead stand by and watches one atrocity after another committed against the helpless innocent? No, he or they are responsible and should be held to accounts.

Total war is the only answer and is coming sooner or later. The body count will be lower the sooner it comes so, isn't that the human course of action? Yes, if we wait our enemy will grow stronger. What of the fate of our own? Limited war expose our fighting forces to acts of terroristic actions they would not subjected to in a total war effort and extends their exposure to the enemy. Are we not collectively responsible for them as well? Absolutely, and this is where our allegiance must lie. Why should we put the welfare of the enemies’ families before our own son and daughter fighting in the armed services? We shouldn't!

Posted by: Mark at November 25, 2006 01:06 AM

"I am a Christian - and thus I will not sanction total war."-Mark Noonan

As a Christian myself, I concur. This is the 21st century. Total War against 1.2 billion Muslims means nuking the Middle East and Indonesia (the most populous Muslim country). We'd win the war if we did that, but we'd probably end up in Hell.
I'd rather lose the war and go to Heaven, than win and go to Hell.

That said, I believe that the West can achieve victory by using smart, humane strategies. Let me first define victory:

Victory for the West: The West remains free and democratic. Islam is permanently outlawed in the West. No Islamic terrorism occurs in the West. Islam is not practiced in any way, shape or form in the West. Ever.

Victory for the Muslim World: The Muslim world stops jihading against the West. The long, slow process of de-Islamification and democratization of the Muslim world proceeds in earnest. Islam is rejected by Muslims en masse over a period of decades.

To achieve victory, I believe we need to a two-prong approach. The first prong to this approach is a strategy that deals with the West. The West must first publicly acknowledge that Islam's ultimate goal is to violently conquer and subdue the entire planet. Until the West stops deceiving itself and admits the true, violent nature of Islam, we will never win this war. If anyone has doubts about Islam's war of conquest, read this: The Agenda of Islam - A War Between Civilizations by Professor Moshe Sharon who teaches Islamic History at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Here's a few pertinent quotes:

The war has started a long time ago between two civilizations - between the civilization based on the Bible and between the civilization based on the Koran. And this must be clear. [..]The Essence of Islam: Now let's move to the essence of Islam. Islam was born with the idea that it should rule the world.

[..]Islam was created to be the army of God, the army of Allah. Every single Moslem is a soldier in this army. Every single Moslem that dies in fighting for the spread of Islam is a shaheed (martyr) no matter how he dies, because - and this is very important - this is an eternal word between the two civilizations. It's not a war that stops. This war is there because it was created by Allah. Islam must be the ruler. This is a war that will not end.

[..]Wherever you have Islam, you will have war.

Islam must be outlawed in the West. Permanently. All Muslims who refuse to give up Islam must be deported. All mosques, madrasses, Islamic institutions, etc., must be closed and razed.

Islam violates the US Constitution many, many times over-ie. Islam prohibits freedom of religion (the penalty for a Muslim who gives up Islam is death), Islam prohibits freedom of speech (the penalty for criticizing Islam is death), Islam demands that America's republican, democratic form of government be replaced with an Islamic theocracy under Shari'a law, Islam prohits equality of women and non-Muslims (Islam believes women are inferior to men, and that non-Muslims are inferior to Muslims), Islam's brutal Shari'a law violates the US Constitution's prohibition of "cruel and unusual punishments" (ie-penalty for theft is the amputation of a hand), etc. I could go on, but I think my point has been made. Essentially, Islam outlaws itself, America just needs to recognize its illegality.

The second prong of the two-pronged strategy deals with the Muslim World. "Either we free them, or they destroy us." First, we need to achieve victory in Iraq. Victory in Iraq means that Iraq is a stable, free democracy that is friendly to the US. This is going to take as long as it takes. We must persevere and win.

Second, the US and Israel team up and take out Iran's nuclear facilities and crush Iran's and Syria's governments. Militarily. Overwhelmingly. Israel then goes to work militarily wiping out Hizballah in Lebanon/Syria. Israel also wipes out Hamas. Militarily. Overwhelmingly.

The US and (hopefully) the EU then helps Iran's youth to create a stable, free democracy in Iran. And perhaps Syria, too. The success or failure of these democracies will lie squarely on the Iranians'/Syrians' shoulders. The US will assist, but the US will not nation build in either case. Iran's oil revenue will fund its democracy.

Third, the United States will issue a warning to the Muslim World which states that the next time a Muslim terrorist attacks the US, America will destroy country of the Islamic attackers. That means the US will destroy that nation's government and military-utterly. Only jihadis understand that America will retaliate with overwhelming force and wipe out their Islamic countries will jihadists be too scared to attack us.

Forth, repeat #3 as necessary.

Posted by: Freedom1 [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 25, 2006 03:59 AM

Holy shit.
These people are insane.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Insanity? These fuckers are an analysts dream! They have more psychoses than you can shake a stick at! I can hear them now: "We're not insane! The Liberals are!"

You see Noonan, that's the problem with insane people like you. You don't see that you really are insane, and its up to sane people, like us Liberals to show you how deluded you are, counsel you...

And if necessary throw a net over your heads an lock you in a rubber room.

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